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Admiral Alexander Marcus is the secondary antagonist of the 2013 film Star Trek Into Darkness. He is a corrupt Starfleet admiral who plots to ignite a war with the Klingons, and revives Khan Noonien Singh in order to use him as a pawn.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He's unempathetic to the fact that a primitive species would have died if not for Kirk's interference, and has Kirk removed from command for saving them with the excuse that he violated the Prime Directive.
  • He's trying to start a war with the Klingons, and revives Khan and blackmails him into designing weapons for him, thinking he can control Khan despite him being an enhanced superhuman and war criminal who once ruled much of the Earth.
  • He threatens to kill Khan's crew if he doesn't cooperate, knowing that Khan sees them as his family, and when Khan goes on the run after trying to save them, Marcus continues to withhold his crew to the point that Khan thinks they died, leading him to go on a rampage and attack Starfleet.
  • He orders Khan killed when he goes rogue to cover up his own complicity.
  • He sends the Enterprise after Khan, equipping them with torpedoes that actually contain Khan's crew, and orders Kirk to fire those torpedoes at the Klingon homeworld, hoping this would provoke a war. It's also very sadistic that he attempted to have Khan killed with torpedoes containing his own crew.
  • He sabotages the Enterprise so it will be stranded near the Klingons, intending for them to be caught.
  • He opens fire on the Enterprise when he learns they took Khan into custody, killing a number of crew members. When Kirk tries to take responsibility and begs for his crew to be spared, Marcus smugly tells him he would never have spared his crew no matter what Kirk did, before trying to destroy the Enterprise.
  • When overpowered, he denies responsibility for his actions and claims Kirk is the one who went rogue and "forced" Marcus to step up and lead Earth.


  • While he was intended to be hated by the film's writers, his actor Peter Weller did not see him that way, claiming Marcus was right about Starfleet needing to be ready for the Klingons and that his more villainous actions were a result of Kirk siding with Khan over him.