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Alexis is the main antagonist of the ShanePlays video, "The Spoiled Sister".

What makes her a Hate Sink?[]

  • She is introduced mocking her brother Daryl's brand new car that he bought himself for his birthday, asking if he got the "piece of trash" at the junkyard. The audience is clearly meant to think the car looks cool and she has terrible taste by insulting it, as ShanePlays modeled the car after the logo for his ShanePlays2 YouTube channel.
  • She steals the keys to the car and drives it despite not having a license. This leads to her driving it into a street light and messing up the front of it. She shows no remorse for damaging her brother's new car birthday gift to himself and even has the gall to say it was a dumb car anyway and he didn't even deserve it.
  • When their father arrives, she lies that Daryl gave her the keys despite knowing that she doesn't have a license, getting him in trouble on his birthday, while their irresponsible father refuses to punish her. Daryl suggests that she may have even crashed it on purpose (though this is never confirmed).
  • Their douchebag father clearly prefers her over Daryl, refusing to believe Daryl when he truthfully says that she stole the keys and crashed his new car. Their father also gives her all the money while he's going away, not leaving any for Daryl.
  • She refuses to give Daryl any of the money.
  • She mocks Daryl, saying "Aw, boo-hoo, poor Daryl".
  • She makes Daryl clean her room, do the dishes, and do her laundry, threatening to call their father otherwise. When he complains about doing all this, she sarcastically asks if he wants a medal.
  • She whines and demands that Daryl take her to the store so she can buy 20 new Iphones.
  • She shows up at a party demanding that Daryl come home and make her cupcakes.
  • She embarrasses Daryl in front of Heather by telling her about the crush he has on her, just to be a jerk. She also lies to Heather that he still wets the bed and sleeps with a binky. The other people at the party hear about this as well, which leads to a jerk named Chaz uploading it and another jerk named Finn later mocking Daryl and punching him just to be a jerk.
  • She mocks Daryl's crying, asking him if he needs his binky.
  • She tells Daryl that Heather is too pretty for him.
  • She has the audacity to still expect Daryl to make her cupcakes even after she embarrassed him in front of Heather and the rest of the people at the party and mocked his crying.
  • She throws a fit, demanding that Daryl make her cupcakes or she will destroy the house.
  • She actually makes good on her threat and destroys the house. She than laughs at Daryl.
  • She spreads lies, keeping her brother from getting a job.
  • She lies that Daryl destroyed the house. Worse, their father believes her again.
  • When they get a new house, she convinces their father to kick Daryl out.
  • She laughs and mocks Daryl.
  • After her father becomes the mayor, she uses this new position of power to bully the citizens. She blackmails Connor into giving her his car by threatening to have him arrested. She than calls him gross. She also reveals she still does not have a license, meaning she is again breaking the law by driving without a license.
  • Seeing Daryl for the first time in a year, she greets him with "Look who came crawling back to dad", showing she did not miss him at all and had no remorse for anything she did.
  • She demands that Daryl give her his apartment (not sell it to her, give it to her for free with nothing in return). When Daryl rightfully refuses, she has the gall to call him selfish.
  • She uses her connections to force Daryl's boss to fire him by threatening to get the boss to lose his job if he doesn't. It's later revealed she went back on her word and took away the boss's job anyway just to be a jerk even after he did what she told him to.
  • She laughs and mocks Daryl with the reveal that she got him fired, showing no remorse and even having the gall to rub it in his face.
  • When Heather identifies her as Daryl's sister, she rudely responds that it's "Miss first daughter of the mayor to you!"
  • She threatens to shut down the store Heather works at if she gives Daryl a job there, just because she wants to go out of her way to do every little thing she can to make Daryl's life as miserable as possible out of spite for rightfully refusing to give her his apartment, because she thinks she can demand whatever she wants and has the right to do everything she can to make someone suffer if they say no to her. Like with Daryl's previous boss, she later fires Heather anyway despite her doing what she said, and she even rudely refuses to give a reason for why she later fires her, saying that she doesn't need a reason and doesn't have to tell Heather anything.
  • She takes Daryl's apartment. She shows no remorse for this. In fact, when Daryl confronts her, she scowls at him, indicating she has the audacity to still be mad about him refusing her.
  • She has Daryl banned from city hall, even though he's the mayor's son, even having Daryl kicked out of the city and putting a ten-thousand dollar bounty on his head.
  • She whines and throws a fit as a way to get her father to give her more money.
  • She taunts Daryl and Heather and calls them "losers".
  • She stole Officer Rufus's burrito.
  • She bullies an elderly woman to the point of crying. She shows no remorse for this even when directly called out.
  • She steals Officer Rufus's ATV.
  • She throws a tantrum when defeated.
  • She ultimately stands out to be one of the most hated, if not, the most hated character in all of ShanePlays.

External Links[]


           Shanelogo Hate Sinks

Aaron and Nathan's Mother | Andy and Olivia's Dad | Ben and Bruce's Mom | Frank and Denise | Greg, Brian, and Jacob's Father | Helga | Malcolm's Mom | Malcolm's Dad | Marcus and Roger's Parents | Michael's Father | Michael's Stepmother | Mr. Bridges | Nathan and Nolan's Mother | Travis Quimby

Alexis Higgins | Chad | Cooper | Darren | Danny Anderson | Harley | Hayden Bridges | Jackie | Kevin | Kyle | Leon and Lillian | Lonnie | Ronnie | Stacy (His Brother's Wife Hated Him) | Stacy (Mean Sister Had Him Arrested) | Trevor | Tyler

Bart | Blaze | Chaz Ruby | Cody | Eunice | Hudson | Luka | Mr. Grudge | Mary | The Principal | Ronald | Rude Customer | Rude Employee | Rude Police Officer (His Girlfriend Became FAMOUS.... She LEFT Him!) | Rude Police Officer (SPOILED Sister RUINED His Life!) | Trevor (Video Games Turned Him Into A Millionaire) | Walter
