Hate Sink Wiki

(Pedro: But I don't get why you're so mad at me even if I haven't done anything to you.)
Why? It's because
you're poor!'
~ Ana's most infamous quote, telling Pedro why she hates him.

Ana Paula Mosconi Palomino, simply known as Ana Mosconi or Ana, is the secondary antagonist of rezendeevil's 2018 romance web miniseries Apaixonados (In Love).

She is Virgínia's sister and Mr. Palomino's daughter. She is one of the most loathsome characters present in rezendeevil's live-action series multiverse, given her unpolite nature and prejudice against Pedro's poverty, which also makes her interfere in Pedro and Virgínia's developing relationship in the story.

She is portrayed by the eponymous youtuber Ana Mosconi.

What Makes Her A Hate Sink?[]

  • She was rude and unpolite with Pedro Rezende from the start just because of his poor status, constantly calling him a "white trash" with clear offensive intentions.
  • Even with Virgínia sad because of what she goes through in the series, she only cares for herself as she doesn't comfort her as Pedro does and just gloats about the boys she hangs out with.
  • She is responsible for the central conflict of the series, as she overhears Pedro asking Virgínia out so they could talk better to one another, and straight up tells Palomino, knowing he would also disapprove it.
  • She approaches Pedro as he was tidying the living room and mockingly orders Pedro the exact place where he had to put the couch. She also mocks him for asking Virgínia out and says Virgínia would never want anything with people like him.
  • Although she claims her not wanting her dating Pedro was for her own good, it's clearly hipocritical since she never showed to actually care for her sister's mental well-being and doesn't comfort her as she could have, and on top of everything disagreeing with Pedro for comforting her himself.
  • Makes a scene in the living room for catching Virgínia and Pedro doing nothing but talking, spitefully ordering Pedro to tidy her room upstairs while she argues with Virgínia non-stop.
  • She reveals to Pedro that, although he hadn't done anything bad, the sole reason of her hatred for him is his poverty, self-righteously claiming it does define character even with Pedro trying to prove her otherwise, highlighting her prejudiced classisist views.
  • In her last scene, she catches Pedro and Virgínia together in their sofa and starts lashing out saying they didn't have the right to be together, again belittling Pedro as no one special and calling him the slur "white trash" again. When Virgínia said their father finally allowed their relationship to happen, she derided her as a liar and said it was impossible and that Pedro was brainwashing her into believing that.
  • Unlike her father Palomino, she doesn't redeem herself about Pedro and Virgínia's relationship nor does she make the slightest effort to see the error in her ways, even aggressively talking back to Palomino for approving their relationship, showing that despite still obeying the orders of her superior, she has an authority complex which makes her believe she's the only one in the right when being gone against and thus be very disrespectful even to her own father.
  • Her punishment, being grounded by her father for her hostile behavior, is played for satisfaction. And while somewhat standard, it's still sufficient considering how low the standards of the miniseries is, with Virgínia even highlighting that Ana won't be able to enjoy herself in anyway after being grounded by their father and also considering the fact she will have to endure, under her father's watch, the fact Virgínia and Pedro are now dating and is practically having the weight of the discriminatory and hostile behavior she had towards both of them thrown right back to her, thus not making her a Karma Houdini.


  • She along with João Vitor, is thus far one of the two hate sinks from rezendeevil's live-action series multiverse.

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