Hate Sink Wiki

Babidi is the secondary antagonist of The Majin Buu Saga in 5 Minutes, an adaptation of the Dragon Ball Z arc with the same name.

He is a sorcerer who is the sole reason Majin Buu was awakened. Throughout the course of the video, he attempts to use him for his own personal gain and treats him like a pawn. He is also the superior of Spopovich. Even though he isnā€™t the main antagonist, his actions indirectly led to the extinction of humanity and the destruction of Earth.

He is portrayed by Johnny Weiss, in his first villainous role.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He killed Spopovich for no reason whatsoever.
  • He brainwashed Vegeta and forced him to fight the Z-Fighters.
  • He blackmailed an entire city to kill Goku and Vegeta, and threatened to use Majin Buu to destroy it.
  • He treats all of his allies like pawns, especially Majin Buu.
  • When Majin Buu failed to kill Goku, he berated him and mocked him for his endless appetite for food, moments before his death.
  • He is a spineless coward who relies on others to fight for him, but is unable to fight for himself.
  • Unlike most of the villains in the film, he has no redeeming qualities or moments of sympathy whatsoever.


            Hate Sinks

Anime and Manga
Dragon Ball
Master Shen | Commander Red | Tao Pai Pai | Tambourine

Dragon Ball Z
Cui | Dodoria | Orlen | Mr. Shu | Dr. Gero | Future Androids 17 & 18 | Babidi | Spopovich | Van Zant | Smitty

Dragon Ball Super
Goku Black | Future Zamasu | Barry Kahn | Quitela | Monna

Dragon Ball GT
Don Kee | Baby | Naturon Shenron | Eis Shenron | Syn Shenron

Movies and OVA

Babidi (Majin Buu Saga in 5 Minutes) | Cell (Dragon Ball Rise)
