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Barbara Guy is a recurring character in SuperMarioLogan. She is the abusive mother of Brooklyn T Guy.
What Makes Her A Hate Sink?[]
- She hates her son. It's mentioned that when he was young, she beat him all the time, yelled at him, and called him worthless. It's mentioned in "The Squeaky Door" that she told him that she liked beating him a lot.
- She spoils her other son Jonathon while treating Brooklyn like garbage. Making this worse, Johnathon is an incredibly annoying, ugly, perverted, stupid man-child, far more annoying than his brother.
- She didn't care when Brooklyn was choking to death.
- She insults her son to his face while saying grace at Thanksgiving.
- In “Brooklyn Guy's Switch!,” she was revealed to have an “I Hate Brooky Pledge” That she does with Jonathan every day.
- She goes out of her way to antagonize her son. In "The Funeral", when she accidentally calls Brooklyn, instead of hanging up, she insults him and his wife Karen (who was nothing but nice to Barbara), calling Karen a skank and Brooklyn a piece of shit.
- It's mentioned in "The Funeral" that she told Brooklyn to his face, while he was in fifth grade, that she wouldn't come to his funeral.
- She left Brooklyn nothing in her will and insulted him in it, calling him a piece of shit and saying that she hated him. Despite this, she still had the gall to be angry when he didn't care about her dying when she faked her death, which is extremely hypocritical.
- In "Jeffy's Trophy", she cheats at a Bowling game using performance enhancing drugs (just go with it) and happily takes her son's house and bank account when he foolishly bets them in the game and loses. Even after she gets caught and loses the house, she still gets to keep all his money. She also spits on him and tells him he sucks at bowling. This was after the events of "Brooklyn Guy's Dad", where he saved her life by giving her one of his father's kidneys.
- She often complains about her son not seeing her, and then berates him within the same breath.
- She is a terrible person in general. She illegally drove a bus after permanently losing her license, left the bus in drive while she went to yell at the kids (putting their lives at risk), and literally threw her own granddaughter Penelope off of the bus while it was still moving for having cologne. In the same episode, she threatens to beat the kids if they roll down the windows, threatens to kill Jeffy and Bully Bill if they continue to fight, and tries to force Cody to eat his own vomit after he rolls the window down.
- She is never given any valid reason for hating her son. Nor is she given a Freudian excuse for her actions.
- She never suffers any karma outside of having her bus stolen in one episode. Even then, she escaped arrest for driving without a license, abusing the children, and nearly killing her own granddaughter by throwing her off the moving bus.
- She is just as ugly on the outside as the inside. She is a very old woman with grey hair and an extremely ugly design. She also has a very deep, mannish voice.
- She has a disgusting relationship with Simmons, despite him being decades younger than her. This is used to show how gross she is.
- The episode "The Funeral" was a massive "**** you" to the fanbase, as she and Johnathon are both massively hated by the fandom, and the episode heavily features Johnathon being his annoying, whiny self, while further showing how much Barbara hates Brooklyn. When she appeared to have died early in the episode and it was treated as if it would be a permanent death, many fans were happy, only to be disappointed when she was revealed to have faked her death in the end. This whole thing was an April Fools Day Joke Logan pulled on his fanbase, making them think he was permanently killing her off only to reveal otherwise. This indicates he knows how hated she is and this was meant to anger people.
- It can be implied that Does Bad Things Guy and Makes Bad Decisions Guy, her two other sons, turned out the people they were because of her.
Hate Sinks | ||
Nancy | Does Bad Things Guy | Banzai Bill | Barbara Guy | Mrs. Hisfriendfromschool | Mr. Winkle | Billy Bowling Hands | Hank Huckerdoo | Byron Easter Egg Britches | Papa Bear | Mikey Tyson | Mrs. Goodman | CJ Winkle | Charleyyy's Father |