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What the hell are you saying! Don't you realize my value! I am the First Prince! How dare you even think about killing me! You normally take nobles hostage and ransom them! Or do you want territory! It’s better to keep me alive to use for more advantageous position in negotiation than to kill me!
~ Prince Barbro when he was at the mercy of Lupusregina Beta in the anime

Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself or simply Prince Barbro is a minor antagonist in the Overlord series. He is the 1 first Prince of the Re-Estate Kingdom who is son of King Ramposa III, older brother of Prince Zanac and Princess Renner. He serves as the secondary antagonist of The Magic Master of Destroy Arc.

In Japanese, his voice was provided by Taiten Kusunoki. In the English version, he was dubbed by Newton Pittman.

What Makes him Despicable?[]

  • While his sister Renner and Ainz Ooal Gown did more heinous acts, they both are "Evil is Cool" or had some genuine reasons behind it, he lacks both of those traits and did his acts for petty gain reasons.
  • He allowed Eight Fingers and the corrupt Noble faction to bribe him with money for power without a care for the people of Re-Estize. The mass corruption would send his Kingdom downhill and later be a factor in its fall.
  • Once he became the King, he planned to eliminate his brother Zannac through assassination, and Renner through selling her to slavery.
  • When E-Rantel was under attack by Demons, he cowardly didn’t do anything to protect his people.
  • During events of the Demonic Disturbance, he lusted over adventurer Nabe, Narberal Gamma's alter-ego, and planned that once he becomes king, he would force her to be his lover even though he already has a wife, essentially meaning he would be cheating on his wife.
  • When his father sent him to Carne Village to have the villagers simply answer questions about Ainz Ooal Gown, he had his soldiers rush over to return to the battle the next day, not caring if his soldiers collapsed from exhaustion.
  • He used Carne Village's ties to Ainz Ooal Gown as an opportunity for power by drafting the villagers to join the battle at Katz Plains and force Ainz to back out or risk destroying his image if he killed the drafted villagers in the war. His actions from there on out would lead to the Third Battle of Carne Village, where he continued to make terrible choices:
    • When the people of Carne Village took too long for an answer, he tried to burn it down before one of his advisors convinced him to just burn a tower with arrows. He only complied to keep his image intact.
      • This would end up being the nail in the coffin to have Carne Village fully pledge to Ainz Ooal Gown and the Sorcerer Kingdom while rebelling against Re-Estize for the kingdom lack of care for not coming to the village's time of need for help; On the other hand, they were indebted to Ainz Ooal Gown after he saved the village twice, Barbro's attack would end up breaking the straw on the camel's back as it made the villagers see the Kingdom as the enemy because of it, and willingly will risk to rebel even if it mean dying since they see Ainz Ooal Own better and more willingly to protect them than Re-Estize.
    • When Enri had Ogres attack some of his soldiers at the front gate, he used them trampling his Kingdom's flag as an excuse to call the village an "enemy stronghold" and to massacre all the villagers save for the leaders, which included women and children.
    • When an army of Goblins was summoned by Enri, he used E-Rantel as an excuse, even though he had zero care for it, to continue his futile battle even though his commanders knew it was futile.
  • When he was at the mercy of Lupusregina Beta, he cowardly tried to convince her to spare him, not caring about his soldiers, by using his position as prince as a bargaining chip which failed since Ainz Ooal Gown had no further use for him, especially after Barbro attacked Carne Village which was under his protection, and cowardly panicked when Barbbro bargaining chip failed.
  • Though he was brutally tortured to death for 30 minutes by Lupusregina Beta, his death was not played for sympathy, but instead for satisfaction for his detestable acts.
  • Due to his death from his careless and selfish actions, his father, Ramposa III fell into depression, which didn't help his mourning of Gazef Stronoff's death during the battle at Katz Plains, further impacting his mental health.


  • He was so detestable even his own brother and sister hated him for it wanting to rid him from power even if Renner did it for pragmatic reasons.

External links[]


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Nigun Grid Luin | Staffan Heivish | Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself | Sir Furt and Madame Furt | Remedios Custodio | Philip Dayton L'Eyre Montserrat | Lilynette Piani

Shalltear Bloodfallen (The Morningstar Saga)
