Hate Sink Wiki
Hate Sink Wiki
NOTE: This article only contains information from the books as Lestrange's film counterpart doesn't qualify due to Helena Bonham-Carter's hammy performance and her "Evil is Cool" vibe absent from the novels, plus care for her sister and nephew, thus only information from the books are included.

What will happen to your children when I've killed you? When Mummy's gone the same way as Freddie?
~ Bellatrix taunting Molly about the murder of Fred.
Longbottom? Why I have had the pleasure of meeting your parents, boy....
~ Bellatrix gloating to Neville about torturing his parents into insanity.

Bellatrix Lestrange is the secondary antagonist of the Harry Potter novel series.

She is a lethal Death Eater serving as one of Lord Voldemort's most effective servants, participating in murders of that not only affected the stories previous to book 5 but even during the series continuation in killing an important character to the franchise and it's main character, negating a lot of efforts that the main cast had been focused in book 5. Bellatrix is also one of the cruelest Harry Potter villains, as most of her actions in the series are usually done for her own sadistic enjoyment.

What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]

  • Raised alongside Narcissa and Andromedus to put pure-bloods on a pedestal, Bellatrix becomes far more malevolent and bloodthirsty than either of her sisters (one of whom outright broke away from their family's ideals), and proves herself to be extremely hateful and sadistic even by the Death Eater organization's standards, with an entire montage of Kick the Dog moments:
    • Alongside Barty Crouch Jr., she tortured Neville's parents, Frank and Alice Longbottom, to the point of insanity by means of the Cruciatus Curse.
      • After meeting Neville she immediately mocks him about it.
    • She threatens to torture 14/15-year-olds Ginny and Neville to force Harry's cooperation.
    • She kills Sirius Black, her own cousin, and then sadistically taunts Harry about it.
    • Taunts Harry for not using the Cruciatus Curse properly on her and then proceeds to use it on him instead.
    • She tortures Hermione (who's only a teenager), carving the word "mudblood" (a slurr used for muggle-born wizards and witches) onto her arm while she helplessly screams in pain.
    • She kills Dobby, a fan-favorite character, with a throwing knife.
    • During the Battle of Hogwarts, she personally killed Nymphadora Tonks, her own niece, showing no remorse.
    • She taunts Molly Weasley about her son's death during their duel.
  • Despite her usually amicable relationship with her sister Narcissa, she shows no sympathy towards her when Voldemort orders her son Draco to kill Dumbledore (widely considered to be a suicide mission) and claims she would happily sacrifice her own child for Voldemort if she had one.
  • She is very obnoxious, as she repeatedly addresses Harry in a "mock-baby voice" and challenges Severus Snape for ten pages in a row (and gets roasted about fifty times in a row) just to provide unneeded exposition for the reader.
  • Like many of the most vile witches and wizards of their universe, Bellatrix is extremely prejudiced against Muggles, Squibs, and Muggle-borns, and while she does sincerely love Voldemort, not only does she start openly questioning his judgment as soon as Harry reveals he is secretly half-blood (through his Muggle father Tom Riddle), but her genuine care for him as a person would be far less potent if he wasn't an embodiment of her prejudicial and supremacist ideology.
  • She doesn't do anything cool with her dark magic at all.
  • Overall, an obviously irredeemable monster who is extremely petulant and barbarous and wants destruction and misery solely for its own sake.


  • Only her novel counterpart qualifies as her film counterpart is a charismatic "Evil is Cool" villain who has Helena Bonham Carter's hammy acting. Also, her film version didn't commit adultery and wasn't shown hating on her own sister.
  • It is entirely possible Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the British Ministry of Magic were remade in her image, not Voldemort's, given that he didn't care about killing Muggle-borns and lacked a particular affinity for torture; he may have left her in charge while he shallowly spent months seeking out the Elder Wand. If this was confirmed, it would make her even more loathsome.
  • She is one of the six Harry Potter characters to only be Hate Sinks in the books and not the films or games, the others being the Carrows, Antonin Dolohov, Corban Yaxley, and Zacharias Smith.

External Links[]


           HarryPotter Hate Sinks

Both Continuities: Vernon Dursley | Marge Dursley | Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle | Pansy Parkinson | Gilderoy Lockhart | Cornelius Fudge | Dolores Umbridge | Rita Skeeter | Walden Macnair | Antonin Dolohov | Corban Yaxley | Cormac McLaggen | Mary Lou Barebone | Corvus Lestrange | Skender | Anton Vogel | Walburga Black | Henry Shaw Jr. | Mr Borgin

Book Only: Bellatrix Lestrange | Fenrir Greyback | Zacharias Smith | Marvolo Gaunt | Millicent Bullstrode

Film Only: Quirinus Quirrell | Marcus Flint | Peter Pettigrew

Other: Gormlaith Gaunt | Patricia Rakepick | Renka Rabblehouser | Apolonia Black | Kazuhiro Shiratori | Raczidian | Cecil Lee | Victor Rookwood | Ferdinand Octavious Pratt | Theophilus Harlow | Victor Gridley | Bly | Emily Tyler

Sabbat members (Firebird's Son)

The Dursleys (Helluva Wizard) | Lord Voldemort (Percy Jackson And The Horror Within) | Gregor Clegane (Patroni In Winterfell) | The Dursleys (The Nightmare Before Hogwarts) | Dolores Umbridge (My Little HetaStuck MSTs) | Dolores Umbridge (Mutant Storm) | Magical Britain (Mutant Storm) | The Dursleys (Mutant Storm) | Zachary Zatara (Harry Potter and the Guardian's Light) | Nandita/Jinx (Harry Potter and the Guardian's Light) | Director Manning (Harry Potter and the Guardian's Light) | Igor (Harry Potter and the Guardian's Light) | Carol (The Magic of Torchwood) | Dolores Umbridge (The Magic of Torchwood) | Sancho Pansy (Madame Malfoy Or A Forced Marriage) | The Local Traveler (The Lone Traveler) | Hondo Marukai (Little Black Death Note) | Bor Burison (The Lightning Strike) | Hela (The Lightning Strike) | Dolores Umbridge (Last Mage of Krypton) | Flora and Hestia Carrow (Last Mage of Krypton) | Vernon Dursley (Last Mage of Krypton) | Petunia Dursley (Last Mage of Krypton) | Dudley Dursley (Life's Curse, Death's Gift) | Vernon Dursley (The Last Seidr)
