Hate Sink Wiki
Hate Sink Wiki
Dellenbach: What did Muller want with you?
Karas: He wanted me to know what you really are.
Dellenbach: Come on, Karas, quit playing the saint.
Karas: I don't know anything about saints. But I have an uncanny instinct for sniffing out a son of a bitch!
Dellenbach: For someone with instinct, you sure let a lot of people die when you're on the case. Dimitri Ostrovski. Jonas Muller. Hishiro Nakata. [Karas holds down his left fist in rage and anger towards Dellenbach and his henchmen after hearing that Dellenbach killed Nakata without knowing] You didn't know! [laughs evilly]
~ Dellenbach after having his henchmen to killed Jonas Muller off and has a argument with Barthélémy Karas.
You're a liar and a bully! And I'd rather rot in this dumpster than join any family of yours!
~ Jessie gets fed up with Lotso's cruel and abusive nature as she called him out for it.

Bullies are Hate Sinks who bully others whom they feel are weaker than them. These villains are extremely hateable due to their sadistic and petty nature, as they mistreat and torment other people simply to satisfy themselves.

While they are most common in school settings or among children, these Hate Sinks can be found anywhere. Some of them are full fledged adults who still act like immature jerkish children.

NOTE: This category should not apply to someone who is a full fledged terrorist or supervillain who happens to abuse weaklings, unless their personality is akin to that of a petty bully (e.g. Zusk, Micah Bell, Warren T. Rat and Sentinel Prime). It should mostly apply to regular citizens.

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