Hate Sinks that were once heroes but not only fell into villainy but also became loathsome. They thus fit under Debased as well due to having shredded up redeeming qualities they once had.
These Hate Sinks must have been genuine heroes before becoming hate sinks.
- Morally neutral characters (a la "average joes") or characters initially un-involved with any side of the conflict do not count (e.g. Derek Dietl).
- False heroes, characters who faked being heroes and never were heroes do not count unless they used to be actual heroes that is.
- Hate Sinks who simply lose all of their redeeming qualities (e.g. Alan Yates) do not count if they never were heroes in the past.
- Nice people, Hate Sinks that were simply nice people before they became Hate Sinks (e.g. Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear, Joseph Sugarman) also do not count if they did nothing truly heroic before they became Hate Sinks.
- Brainwashed or Forced into it, if a Hate Sink was forced into heroism by circumstance or were brainwashed into becoming heroes, they also do not qualify.
- Famous people, Hate Sinks that simply had a good reputation (e.g. Lionel Starkweather) do not count unless their good reputation was earned from doing heroic deeds in the past.
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