“ | […], and we made Francis bad because… who the hell could like this guy?! Look how punchable his face is! | „ |
~ Luke Lerdwichagul, the creator of SMG4, explaining why he decided to make Francis the main villain of the Anime Arc. |
Hateable characters who originate from Fanfiction works, this also includes OCs.
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- Lila Rossi (Uncertain Future)
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- Misty (Pokémon: Journey Until The Very End)
- Most Evil Player
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- Mr. Boss (Operation A.T.R.O.Z)
- Mr. Ethan (Trisproductions28)
- Mr. Grudge
- Mr. Ricci
- Mr. Ricci's Son
- Mr. Thomas (The Hailey anne's little pet)
- Mr. Underwood (The Confession of Fred Krueger)
- Mr. Virgil
- Mrs. Hisfriendfromschool
- Patrick Star (Paka)
- Paul (Pokémon Shattered Dimensions)
- Phobos (Reaperverse)
- Pink (Until We Go Home)
- Pinkamena (Cupcakes)
- Playcare Employees (The Hour of Joy Fan-Comic)
- Plunderboid
- Princess Luna (Cheerilee's Garden)
- Princess Luna (Justice is Served)
- Principal (The Hated Orphan)
- Principal Cinch (Reaperverse)
- Professor Down (Mystery Forest)
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