“ | Mother Mairest: My perfect little boy has had his mind tainted by that... Pest, filling your head with all kinds of lies. Pico: You f--king whore! All I've ever done is love and care for him. That's more than you or your monster of a husband can say. |
„ |
~ Mother Mairest's hypothetical behavior towards Pico, who calls her out and says that he loves and cares for Benjamin Fairest. |
“ | Fridge: Well everyone has their teeth go grey, just eat yeast and it'll go away! Steak: But how much have you had today? Too much yeast makes your teeth go grey! |
„ |
~ An example of The Healthy Band's hypocritical logic regarding what foods are healthy and what foods aren't. |
Hate Sinks who foist a standard on others but who violate said standard, resulting in irony.
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