Hate Sinks who come from internet works.
Note: Only add this category to original characters from works on the internet, those that were popularized on the internet don't count if they didn't come from internet works, those that came from video games don't automatically count either.
All items (230)
- The Drivers (Ne Uporabljaj Telefona)
- The E.W Scripps Company (Qubo's Final Minutes On The Air)
- The Fanboy (Henry Gets Bullied)
- The Father (Popopoka)
- The Invader (Invader: The Series)
- The Lies Fish (VibingLeaf)
- The Magnificent Danny
- The Princess (Dan the Man)
- The Shadow Parade
- Trevor (Video Games Turned Him Into A Millionaire)
- Trollscout
- Twigo
- Tyler Howard's Mom