Hate Sink Wiki
Evelyn: You're inhuman!
Patrick: No, I'm in-I'm in touch with humanity.
~ Patrick Bateman arguing with his fiancé.
Humans are like pigs, dependent upon the Reploids for their very existence...You do realize, don't you, that if I felt like it, I could wipe all humans out in the blink of an eye? Crea! Prea! Do with this one as you please! I've got some pig squeals to enjoy. The squeals of indolent pigs, wasting their pitiful lives on idle pursuit.
~ Dr. Weil expressing his hatred for humanity.
Besides, what the heck do we care about people? There's are so many of 'em and so few of us. What's losing a few for a laugh?
~ Ralph on how he believes human life is worthless.

Misanthropes are Hate Sinks who possess an extreme hatred for humanity and/or their species of origin. They have no compassion or empathy for their fellow humans or other lifeforms. If a Hate Sink goes too far, they may end up becoming a Cataclysm.

Examples are Lord Orm, General Aguila, Sendak, Nightmare Medic, Rachel Bitterman, Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear, Gary Smith, Evil Izuku, Isshiki Ōtsutsuki, Daniel Whitehall, and Eulogy Jones.

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