Hate Sink Wiki
Hate Sink Wiki
She's a woman, she doesn't know up from down.
~ General Tsao showing his opinion on Jing King's rights.
In his country, women were possessions. Weak. Tools of pleasure. Chattel to be traded like livestock. And they understood their place. But here, in Europe, women feigned a strength and independence that both amused and excited him. Forcing them into physical submission was a gratification he always enjoyed.
~ The Hassassin's inner monologue.

Misogynists are Hate Sinks who are prejudiced against females. Like any villain who expresses prejudice, misogynistic villains are absolutely horrendous and easily abhorred, as they despise and target women solely for being women.

Please note that a hate sink who hates humanity/their own species as a whole should go under Misanthropes. However, if they possess a specific abhorrence for women, they can fall under both categories.

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