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Percy Wetmore Horrified

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You gotta understand, my crew, they been pulling on their pootsos for weeks. These girls, they looked pretty good. The men had cash to spend. I saw chance for business, but that was all.
~ Sam Choksey explaining why he pimped out the women in the crate.

Pimps are villains who dress elegantly and surrounded by women. Often, a Crime Lord is a pimp, but not always; sometimes they're just wealthy and powerful individuals accompanied by female henchmen or maids.

They're usually men and involved in the business of prostitution and often abusing their women in order to keep them in check for sells; pimps also tend to demand a large amount of their "girls" pay and get involved in other areas of vice such as gambling and drugs.

Their lovable, charismatic and honorable opposite are Casanovas.

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