Hate Sinks who are Unsympathetic Victims.
These characters are the victims of a crime, an injustice, or some other terrible fate. This would, for example, include the character getting killed, imprisoned, condemned to be sent to the underworld, battered, given a fate worse than death, etc.
Normally, victims of a crime are afforded sympathy, however due to the characteristics, personality, and actions of these characters, there is no sympathy given to them when they are victims, thus making them expendable. The scene where they were victimized does not evoke any sense of sympathy. Reactions to these characters being victimized are anywhere from indifference to satisfaction, stress relief, and wish fulfillment. In addition and in many cases, these character's actions have either directly or indirectly led to them being victimized.
They are the opposite of Unintentionally Sympathetic Hate Sinks.
- Karma Houdinis cannot be considered Unsympathetic Victims, since these are usually the type of characters who are never punished or face anything bad for what they have done, even if they were insufficiently punished.
- This category also excludes Hate Sinks who had their plans foiled or things did not go their way, as these type of characters have not been victimized. Exceptions would include if they face any comeuppance after their plans are foiled.
- Characters who are Inconclusive are usually written out of the narrative where their status is unknown or the story ends prematurely, making them incompatible to qualify.
Sentinel Prime (Transformers One) -
Karen Client -
Chloé Bourgeois -
Remedios Custodio -
Hector Salamanca -
Henry Gyrich (X-Men: The Animated Series) -
Jang Deok-su -
Jeff the Killer (Pastra)
All items (268)
- Calvin Candie
- Carl Bruner
- Carl Buford
- Carmine Falcone (The Batman Saga)
- Carnival Barker
- Casey (Breaking Bad)
- Celia (M3GAN)
- Cheerilee (Cheerilee's Garden)
- Cheerilee (Justice is Served)
- Chief Harold Kruel
- Chloé Bourgeois
- Chris Hargensen
- Chris McLean (Island of the Slaughtered)
- Cioccolata
- Clarence Darby
- Colm O'Driscoll
- Colonel Henry Favours
- Commander Red
- Conan Antonio Motti
- Cozy Glow's Aunt & Uncle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic With Reiner and Bertholdt)
- Craster
- Cult Leader (Lookism)
- Damian (Pokémon)
- Daniel Whitehall
- Dario Brando
- David (The Last of Us HBO)
- Denise Daniels
- Devin Weston
- Dezono Qua
- Dick Hardly
- Dolores Umbridge
- Don Eladio
- Donovan (Berserk)
- Doug (Strays)
- Dr. Heinemann
- Dr. Mike
- Dr. Oppenheim and Dr. Boyer
- Dr. Royce Hemlock
- Dr. Zander Rice (X-Men Movies)
- Dr. Zed
- Mal
- Malty S. Melromarc
- Marcel
- Marge Dursley
- Mari (Hands)
- Mari (What She Did)
- Mario Alcalde
- Marty Jay Williams
- Mary Kelley
- Mary Lou Barebone
- Master of Laketown
- Meryn Trant
- Micah Bell
- Misty (Pokémon: Journey Until The Very End)
- Mitsuko Tanaka
- Mizuki (Naruto)
- Monaca Towa
- Mort (Blood & Concrete: A Love Story)
- Mother Swan and Duck's Siblings
- Murfree Brood