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Hate Sink Wiki

The Catfish are minor supporting characters in the game, Conker's Bad Fur Day.

What Makes Them Hate Sinks?[]

  • They show themselves to be very self-centered as they state they can't risk dying for their own money due to being blue-blooded.
  • When they ask Conker to help get their money for them, they outright call him disposable, showing that they don't expect him to make it out alive.
  • They refuse to give Conker the combination to the safe when he asks for it even after he dealt with the guard dog.
  • They knew full well the dangers that Conker would have to put up with when they asked him to help.
  • They played themselves off as being wealthy aristocrats who tragically had their money stolen from them. As the end of the chapter reveals, they aren't rich at all and have an absolutely petty amount of money locked in the vault.
  • They promised Conker ten percent of their money when he got it. However, it is revealed near the end of the chapter that their money is a measly ten dollars, which means they only promised to pay Conker a single dollar over the life-threatening danger they put him in.
  • Conker deciding to keep the entire ten is viewed as understandable as he risked his life for that money and not even a mere ten was worth the trouble.
  • Their deaths are played for satisfaction with the horror being more from the dogfish being after Conker and only attacks them when Conker swims past them rather than from the Dogfish tearing them apart.