"Mature Content Warning!" |
MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! - WARNING: Louis d'Anjou is warning you that this page contains spoilers. If you hadn't seen/played this Hate Sink's media yet, we advise you to view another page. |
“ | Saw those? That’s where your Cutie Mark would’ve been... if you had one. You never will now. Guess your ‘crusading’ days are over. | „ |
~ Cheerilee after she had removed Apple Bloom's flanks. |
“ | Rainbow Dash: You can’t do this! You said you’d let her go if I pulled through! Cheerilee: Ahahaha! And you think you have? If she really means that much to you, COME AND SAVE HER! |
„ |
~ Cheerilee as she cruelly mocks Rainbow Dash after dropping Pinkie Pie into a reserve of boiling hot water. |
Cheerilee (also known as Miss Cheerilee) is the titular main antagonist of both the GrimDark Fanfics Cheerilee's Garden and the sequel Scarlet Harvest, which were both made by Unahim.
In contrast to her heroic original counterart, who is a sweet, kind, and patient teacher who cares for her students, this version of Cheerilee is a cruel, apathetic, sadistic, impatient, heartless individual who decides to murder her students whom she sees as "weeds" under the guise of a theatrical play at Ponyville Theater for constantly getting into trouble, not learning anything from what she taught them, and for not listening to her.
Within the sequel, she also decides to have Twist, who is another student, killed off for attempting to tell Twilight on her for what she did, as well as having planned to have the main six (including Spike) murdered, so she could get away with her crimes after they tried to encounter her for what she did to Twist. However, Twilight Sparkle does manage to kill her in the end, but an unpleasant surprise would come to Princess Celestia's personal student.
What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]
In General/Background[]
- Even though she does tell Twist that her friend Ace High was killed from one of the traps within the Everfree Forest at her childhood, this doesn't make her tragic at all nor justifies her behavior or actions, as she has murdered eight students (who were ALL children) within the play of "Reginald the Sly", despite Ace High being a child back in her childhood. Not to mention of when she explains it to Twist, it comes off as her trying to guilt-trip Twist before killing her rather than actually sounding genuine. She notably killed her own victims all out of her own sadism, despite denying it herself.
- Her own recollection of when she was with Ace High in her childhood also comes off as her using it to justify her own twisted actions, and with the addition to the way she uses it to manipulate Twist, this can also mean that her actions as a twisted attempt to "atone" for his death by helping other students to "grow" whilst killing anyone who she deems as "weeds", showing that Cheerilee's beliefs are very amoral and twisted.
- While Cheerilee claims to care for Ace High, it does come off as ingenuine, as that also admits that she wants to become "better than [him]", indicating that she has an unhealthy obsession for him.
- She is also shown to have twisted her own friend's ideals for her pragmatic purposes, and in addition to the fact that she only mentions Ace High once in the sequel and then never mentions him again reinforces the idea that Cheerilee sees Ace High as more of a tool for the manipulation and to try to justify of her atrocities rather than anything else.
- Her actions are also rather contradictory to any notion of "care" or "atonement" for Ace High, as her focus on being "better" than Ace High suggests a motication caused from competition or to boost her own ego rather than one rooted in genuine care or friendship.
- Overall, Cheerilee’s narrative about Ace High seems to serve as a way to try to rationalize her own actions rather than to demonstrate any true care or guilt over her childhood friend's death.
- Although there was one part of "Scarlet Harvest" that briefly had dark humor, specifically where she made a pun after removing Rarity's right eye and asking Rarity is "on that time of the month" when Rarity gets crushed to death by a wooden donkey, this does not detract how cruel and vile it is, thus meaning it was to show her sadistism and is taken very seriously in-universe.
- She is shown to be a very smug sadist who is very mean and petty, even being willing to cruelly taunt her victims while she brutally tortures them before killing them. She is also shown to be a coward whenever she is attacked by ponies who are much stronger than her, as shown as she tries to beg for mercy when Twilight Sparkle uses the Elements of Friendship to be able to fight against her.
- Even though she does promise to give ponies like Diamond Tiara (in Cheerilee's Garden) and AppleJack (in Scarlet Harvest) a chance to survive, Cheerilee would later reveal that she has lied to both of them as she decides to kill them anyway, showing how dishonorable she is.
Cheerilee's Garden[]
- She planned to have 7 students brutally tortured slowly and painfully to death. Cheerilee is also shown to have sadistic glee of other's pain and would taunt them while torturing them, such as:
- With Scootaloo, Cheerilee had her brutally crushed to death inside a cage by a metal press and getting her limbs split apart from the metal bars that were within the press.
- With Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, who were placed in separate torture devices in the same room by Cheerilee, Silver Spoon is given one in the form of a button that she can press to temporarily stop her torture device but pours acid into Diamond Tiara's trap. If she decides to not press the button, a robot arm would stab into her eye with a drill. The same machine would also shred and slices Silver Spoon's tongue off, as well as her hooves being hammered in with a chisel, which would lead Silver Spoon to have either died from blood loss or from suffocating on her own blood.
- Although Diamond Tiara was eventually let out of her acid chamber to have her walk to Silver Spoon, however, due to the acid that her legs were submerged in, her legs fell and snapped in two, which caused her to be in pain. Even after Diamond Tiara made it to Silver Spoon, it was revealed to be all for nothing other than her own sadism as Cheerilee admits that she had lied to Diamond Tiara about sparing her before flipping a lever that would pour acid onto Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, killing Tiara in the progress, therefore meaning that Diamond Tiara's attempts to survive were all for nothing.
- With Snails, Cheerilee tricked him into taking the rope to the X mark, so she could have him be crushed by a spotlight, which would then have him be burned alive, killing him from loss of blood and his eyes exploding out of his eye sockets.
- With Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee had her nailed down by her hooves on a table and had rats that were in a burning hot cylinder to eat Sweetie Belle's stomach as a way to escape. Cheerilee would then just laugh hysterically after Sweetie Belle died with a choking noise when a rat forced it way out of her throat and climbing out of her mouth as a way to escape.
- When Snips tries to tell Cheerilee that they have to stop the play due to what happened to Snails, she reacts in rage by beating him up. When Snips attempted to use his magic against her to defend himself, she decides to punch Snip's horn multiple times to break his horn off before stabbing him with it to kill him.
- After she had finished her play, Cheerilee decides to bound Apple Bloom to a table with straps and says that the death of Snails was her fault even though the "teacher" actually killed him herself. She would later proceed to have Apple Bloom eat the remains of the other students that she killed, before skinning Apple Bloom alive until she died of blood loss.
- To add more insult to Apple Bloom's death, Cheerilee also decides to cut off the skin off of her flanks and decides to mock Apple Bloom about that she would never earn her own cutie mark and that "[Apple Bloom's] 'crusading' days were over", before cutting pieces of skin off of her to spell the word "Weed" on Apple Bloom's chest, before pulling out a tub (the same one Cheerilee used for Scootaloo) which was filled with Scootaloo's blood and remains under the table and proceeding drowned Apple Bloom to death in it. Cheerilee would cry not because of remorse but out of sadistic joy at the fact that she successfully killed each of the students she mercilessly slaughtered.
- After she had successfully killed all of her students, the fire from the satellite she used to kill Snails with would cause the Ponyville Theater to burst into flames. She would later act like a victim and lies that she had no idea of how they were there despite being responsible of it in the first place. However, Cheerilee didn't truly feel remorse for the loss of the children of Rarity, Rainbow Dash, nor Applejack and instead shed tears of pure relief that nobody suspected her of being responsible for it.
- Within the aftermath of a week or two had passed of the incident of the fire, when the evidence was destroyed by fire and water, it was also mentioned that Cheerilee "always looked confused and heartbroken" after she got questioned, while telling people that she was "taking care of something on another part of the Theater" before the fire broke out. However, this was all a facade as she wasn't actually mournful as it just said that she only LOOKED heartbroken, and therefore not being genuine, not to mention that she was the one responsible for the fire in the first place.
- At the burial ceremony, Cheerilee cried not because she felt guilty about the deaths of the students within the Ponyville Theater, but out of joy she had that she no longer had to worry about them, showing how remorseless she is of the deaths.
Scarlet Harvest[]
- When Twist asked Cheerilee about what happened to Apple Bloom, Cheerilee was shown to be cold and indifferent about it, as she would dismissively say "Bygones should be bygones", being very apathetic about the students who are dead.
- She decides to kidnap Twist to take her into a stone building within the Everfree Forest to torture her for answers. After Twist admits to have shown Twilight some bloody planks from the burnt down Ponyville Theatre and told many ponies that Cheerilee was responsible for Apple Bloom's death, Cheerilee would then stab Twist on her right hood and cutting her belly open, before having Everfree Beetle eggs poured into Twist's stomach, not to mention that the said beetles are poisonous, which would later hatch from inside her and feast on Twist's insides and killing her.
- The beetles also resulted in Fluttershy being bitten to death by them after she got paralyzed in fear when blood splattered out of Twist's corpse while also causing Flutterehy's entire body getting swollen, as well as having tongue being swollen before bursting open, causing her to suffocate in her own blood and having the beetles feast on her from the inside. It was also mentioned that Cheerilee was reveling in the sight of the beetles hatching and smiled gleefully as Fluttershy got bitten by multiple beetles. Cheerilee would stay at that exact spot just behind the bars, having sadistic enjoyment of seeing Applejack's misery and watching Fluttershy's last moments before she died, before leaving the scene to try to not get seen nor caught.
- Although she claims to feel guilty about the death of her childhood friend Ace High, who has died from one of the traps in the Everfree Forest. However, her supposed "remorse" seems to be not genuine as she killed eight fillies, despite her friend also being a filly himself, not to mention that she only mentions him only ONCE to Twist as a way to manipulate her, and never mentions him again afterwards.
- Cheerilee would later torment Applejack after knocking her unconscious by ramming a knife into her shoulder before twisting it as a way to inflict more pain onto her. She would have Applejack play a "survival game" to survive, which she tried to have Applejack cut herself with a rusty knife to cut herself free, much to Applejack's disgust. As AppleJack would eventually get her right leg cut off to her thigh.
- However, it would be revealed that Cheerilee's "game" was actually a lie as Cheerilee would just kill Applejack anyway, mocking her by saying that her sacrifice wasn't entirely for nothing before bending down to lick Applejack's blood off of Applejack's cut-off leg, in which Applejack responses by referring to Cheerilee as "a sickening individual." Cheerilee would then decide to force Applejack to literally bite her own tongue off because she thought that Applejack talked too much, taunting Applejack that she is a weed just like Apple Bloom (whom Cheerilee had killed before) and her own friends as a way to spite her and saying that she "got [Applejack's] redemption" for her, before snapping Applejack's spine in half with a knife. She would later call her death and the mess that her torturing resulted as "art". She would later collect Applejack's tongue in a jar.
- She would later say about Applejack's death was a "shame" as she believes that she would've been a wonderful kisser. However, this was said as a way to mock Applejack for the way she tormented her.
- Cheerilee also planned to set up traps to attempt to have Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie get killed before having Pinkie Pie fall into a tunnel. After this, it has been implied that Pinkie Pie's legs were broken by the impact. Cheerilee would them use a sleeping dart on Rainbow Dash before planning for what bad things she would do to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.
- She would then have Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie tormented and having them play her "Game of Sacrifice", which she tells Rainbow Dash would have cut off both of her wings, which she would use it as an opportunity to use Rainbow Dash's loyalty as a way to constantly mock her. However, after Rainbow Dash was not able to cut off both of her wings and had only cut one off, Cheerilee would then decide to cut Pinkie Pie's smile by cutting her cheek with her knife (while also cutting Pinkie's tongue) and damaging Pinkie's gums and nose with her knife before, much for Cheerilee's own pure sadism and enjoyment of making the two suffer. She would later put Pinkie Pie's lips into the same jar that she collected AppleJack's tongue with.
- Cheerilee would then mock Pinkie Pie for it and told Pinkie Pie that she was so ugly that even her most loyal friends can't look at her without being disgusted at her badly disfigured face. Cheerilee would then mock Rainbow Dash about Rainbow Dash being loyal to Pinkie Pie before throwing Pinkie Pie into a reserve of boiling hot water, where Rainbow Dash's other wing will rip right off, along with a chunk of her skin and flesh with it.
- Not only that, the dart that Cheerilee injected into Rainbow Dash before her and Pinkie Pie's torture even started would cause Rainbow Dash to not be able to get herself balanced and cause her to be weakened, making her to not be able to get Pinkie Pie out of the reserve in time. This would lead to Pinkie Pie's skin to start slouching off of her body and causing her to be in so much pain from so many bloody blisters. Cheerilee would then tell Rainbow Dash that she has no other choice than to put Pinkie Pie out of her misery by stabbing her with a knife, only to then quietly taunt to Rainbow Dash by asking her if she enjoyed killing her friend.
- Even though Cheerilee did tell Rainbow Dash to put Pinkie Pie out of her mercy, this was only to gain enjoyment of seeing Rainbow Dash suffer the loss of her own friend and not because she pitied for them. This is also shown after Cheerilee sneers after saying that Rainbow Dash would be "blinder than [Pinkie Pie]" if she can't see the pain that Pinkie Pie's in.
- After taunting Rainbow for mercy-killing Pinkie Pie, it would later reveal that the injection that she gave to Rainbow Dash would cause her to have maggot infestation inside her, resulting in Rainbow Dash to go crazy and claw at her own neck until she died after tearing apart her own throat. Cheerilee would then collect Rainbow Dash's heart and collects it into the jar.
- With Spike and Rarity, after they went into a corridor, Cheerilee would attempt to have Rarity hostage. Cheerilee would also show to not care about Spike's demand to not hurt her with apathy and disregard, while mocking Spike by talking to him like a baby. Cheerilee would then laugh while she says that it would be a shame for him to "not see just how many hairs on [Rarity's] head [that Cheerilee would be] hurting", which would lead to her angering Spike.
- She would attempt to stab Spike the first time, only for it to not really kill him. Cheerilee would then badmouth Spike about Twilight having him do the job instead of her as a way to provoke him. She would later call Spike a "mutt" before she got herself slightly burnt Cheerilee's neck, causing her to lash out at Spike by attempting to stab him for the second time, in which she would then successfully kill Spike.
- To add insult to Spike's death, Cheerilee would later show relief of having killed Spike and decides to kick Spike's limp, dead body down the stairs right in front of Rarity, causing the latter to be very appalled of Cheerilee's disrespect and call Cheerilee an "animal"..
- When Cheerilee saw Rarity as talking too much like Applejack, she would then decide to lodge a wooden wedge into Rarity's mouth and hammers the wedge further into Rarity's mouth until she has Rarity's jaw broke right off, as well as having several of her teeth torn out of her mouth and half of the teeth in her upper jaw going missing, along with the teeth she still had were either partially broken or sticking out of bloody gums at odd angles.
- Cheerilee would later rip Rarity's right eye ripped out of her eye socket, and finishing off her mutilated body by crushing her and tearing her apart with a wooden donkey after she was incapable of keeping it off of her anymore due to her hooves starting to crack and due to too much weight the wooden donkey was, killing Rarity on impact. Cheerille would also decide to collect Rarity's right eye and places it in the jar.
- As Twilight finds Cheerilee and was planning to avenge for the death of the innocent students and her friends (including Spike). Cheerilee would then decide to just mock her by asking of why she should fight fate any longer when she would just end up being dead like her friends. As a way to spite Twilight and crush her spirit, she decides to apathetically reveal that she killed her friends and would blame Twilight for being the reason that all of her friends are dead as a way to make Twilight suffer, even though the murderous teacher actually killed Twilight's friends herself.
- When Twilight wouldn't believe her, Cheerilee went as far as to show the jar of the remains she had of Twilight's friends, which included Applejack's tongue, Rainbow Dash's heart that is smaller pieces, and Rarity's eye. She would also mock Twilight by saying that she couldn't retrieve a piece of Fluttershy, before proceeding to force Twilight to chew and consume the remains of her own friends in sadistic glee. This caused Twilight's stomach to hurt and cause her to feel like choking until she was able to swallow it, causing her to feel like she was about to die.
- Cheerilee would later force Twilight to kiss her while Twilight is weakened and was getting close to death, even though Twilight never gave consent to the kiss. It was also implied that Cheerilee was brought an orgasm at the sensation of taking Twilight's life while she was kissing her.
- Cheerilee has Twilight unwittingly destroy the evidence for her, causing Twilight to arrested for the crimes that she didn't commit due to Spike's final message before dying on the floor to expose Cheerilee for her crimes had rushed writing, which caused the message to end up getting misinterpreted, and Twilight ends up taking the blame for the crimes instead by Sherlock Hooves and the other ponies, including the fire that was caused in the Ponyville Theater, in which Twilight was never responsible for to begin with, leading to Luna to plan on having Twilight sentenced to death at night and having Twilight wrongfully punished. This also meant that Cheerilee posthumously got away with her crimes.
- In Scarlet Harvest, it is shown that Cheerilee has a twisted and delusional view that misbehaving foals and "corruptive" influences should be purged to bring peace and morality to Ponyville, believing that she is doing it for "the good of Ponyville", even claiming that The Main Six were "corrupt", this was never the case as Twilight would later call her out for using her said "cause" as a weak excuse as Cheerilee had showed to be very sadistic and remorseless, not to mention that Cheerilee had eight foals (Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Snips, Snails, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Twist), including six of Twilight Sparkle's friends (Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Rarity) all brutally murdered out for her own entertainment.
- Although Cheerilee's death by getting beaten and blown up by Twilight was very violent and brutal, Cheerilee's death was very well-deserved for all the horrible crimes she has done, and Twilight Sparkle had killed Cheerilee out of self-defense as Cheerilee attempted to kill her first.
- Although Princess Celestia did save Twilight from her execution as she didn't want to lose Twilight and wanted to build their own "Equestria" together, Twilight then said that she lost her trust on Celestia for not really trusting her, which would later drive Twilight into so much despair to the point that she decided to throw herself backwards off of Celestia's back to kill herself after finding out that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia didn't believe that she was innocent, much to Celestia's dismay. Twilight's death would also drive Celestia to despair, causing her to decide that any system that would send her student to her death, seeing Equestria's system as flawed.
- It was also mentioned that Equestria's days would soon be over, as Princess Celestia would plan on raising the sun for the sign of dawn for her new, totalitarian Solar Empire. As Cheerilee was the one who had been the one to get Twilight framed for her atrocities, this would mean that Cheerilee is also responsible for Twilight's fall to despair in which led to Twilight killing herself and was also indirectly responsible for Princess Celestia's plan for her Solar Empire.
- Even though she does have a brief moment of dark comedy in "Scarlet Harvest", where she did an eyeball pun when she took one of Rarity's eyes and asking Rarity if it was "that time of the month" as the latter gets crushed to death by a wooden donkey, this doesn't detract of how vile and sadistic Cheerilee is.
- She, aside from Princess Luna and Sherlock Hooves, are the only characters in the "Cheerilee's Garden" Dark FanFiction to be considered as Hate Sinks.
External Links[]
- Cheerilee on the Villains Fanon Wiki.
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