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Curses! What is this?
~ Clone Zero before the Zero Cannon gets fired at him.

Clone Zero is a secondary antagonist of The King of Fighters franchise, being one of the minor antagonists of the NESTS saga. A clone of the original Zero and high ranking member of the NESTS cartel, he betrayed the organization and used the Zero Cannon in an attempt to rule the world, only to be foiled.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • Killed Krizalid for being a failure, which is ironic since he intended to betray NESTS.
    • The fact Krizalid was honorable while Clone Zero is nothing but a vile, traitorous psychopath makes it even worse.
    • He also murdered the other Kyo clones.
  • Has no loyality to NESTS, taking over the Zero Cannon, using the KOF winners' energies to power it and going rogue. While NESTS is an evil organization that performs human experiments and attempts global domination, Clone Zero is no better, and his defection is caused by a self serving desire to rule the world.
  • He attempts (or succeeds depending on the team) to devastate Southtown using the Zero Cannon, Showing how low he is willing to go by killing innocents in order to fulfill his goals. This not only this gives him personal villainy to several fighters that come from or are linked to Southtown, but the destruction is shown onscreen in certain endings unlike the actions of other villains.
    • Given how Southtown is the setting where Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury and others take place, this makes him even viler to the audience that is familiar with those sagas.
  • His official character profiles says he dislikes traitors, making him a massive hypocrite.
  • In a last act of spite and cruelty, he tells Whip something that shocks and hurts her deeply (Likely the information that she is a clone) before getting shot.
  • Overall, Clone Zero lacks the redeeming qualities of Krizalid, the original Zero and Mukai, or Rugal and Goenitz's entertaining personas, being a purely detestable antagonist.


He, Magaki and Saiki are the only Hate Sinks from The King of Fighters franchise.

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