Hate Sink Wiki

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Lawyer: Thanks to the plea bargain, she won't be able to appeal to a higher court, and this case will have no further investigations. Congratulations, Romeo.
Romeo: Thank you, sir. You really saved my ass here.
Lawyer: Don't mention it. You can thank your wealthy father for lining my pockets.
~ The lawyer revealing to Romeo that he took a bribe from his father.

Jolyne's unnamed Corrupt Lawyer is a minor antagonist in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean. He is a sleazy criminal defense attorney who gets on the Jolyne accident case to frame her.

He was voiced by Hidenori Takahashi in the original Japanese version and by Michael Schwalbe in the English dub.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He pretends to be sympathizing with Jolyne situation by saying that if she pleads guilty of theft and accidental homicide her sentence will be reduced, only to lie that the victim was still alive and was being deliberately killed. This makes Jolyne being sentence to 15 years of prison for something she didn't do.
    • He even mockingly says that he defended her as much as he could and that he wishes her good luck, only to be reveled that he was payed by Enrico Pucci, Johngalli A. and Romero's father to incriminate her.
  • Unlike Romeo, Jolyne's boyfriend who got her in to the whole mess, he show's no remorse over unjustly getting Jolyne in to prison.
  • He shamelessly lies to the prison guard that he worries about Jolyne and that it's all his fault, only doing so to get a praise from the guard.
  • Driving away, the lawyer hypocritically remarks how he had to "breathe the same air as those scum" in the prison, despite being a criminal himself due to his corruption.
  • Thanks to Jolyne chocking him with her stand, in a karmic twist of irony, he himself gets in to a brutal car accident, with is played for satisfaction.

External links[]


            Hate Sinks

Phantom Blood
Dario Brando

Battle Tendency
New York Police Officers | Brass Knuckle Gangster

Stardust Crusaders
Gray Fly | Forever | Rubber Soul | J. Geil | Steely Dan | Alessi | Terence T. D'Arby | Vanilla Ice

Diamond is Unbreakable
Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri | Hallway Girls | Terunosuke Miyamoto | Cheap Trick | Rio's Neighbor

Vento Aureo/Golden Wind
Giorno's Mother | Giorno's Step-Dad | Narancia's Former Friend | Fugo's University Professor | Cioccolata | Secco

Stone Ocean
Corrupt Lawyer | Sports Maxx | Sonny Likir | Viviano Westwood | Kenzou | Racist Detective

Steel Ball Run
Dario Brando | Diego Brando's Savior | Soldier | Abusive Husband | Diego Brando

Tamaki Damo | Jobin's Bully | Poor Tom

The JOJOLands
Hawaiian Police Officer | Dragona's Bully

Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan
Mutsu-kabe Hill Yokai | Yabubako-Hoshi

Cool Shock B.T.
Kuroyama and Akagawa | The Leader | Manabu

Jorge Joestar
Edvard Noriega | Antonio Torres | Maria Torres | Javier Cortes

Miscellaneous Spin-Offs & Novels
Old Man Stand User | Sogliola Lopez | Teruhiko Futaba | Koji Kiyohara | Fernando Alhorn

JoJoCraft: Jotaro Kujo | Jean Pierre Polnareff | Noriaki Kakyoin

HOLY DIVER (A Peaceful Afterlife)
