Hate Sink Wiki

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Live within the rules.

Live safe.

~ A writing in a poster of Crawford Oberson.

Crawford Oberson is a pivotal antagonist in the first season of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead video game series, who is mentioned numerous times and briefly appeared as a zombie in the fourth episode "Around Every Corner".

He was the dictatorial leader of a small survivor village in Savannah, Georgia called Crawford, and served as the posthumous overarching antagonist of the final half of the first season due to his previous actions in life.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He is the Darwinistic tyrant of Crawford, enforcing the walled off city with an iron fist.
  • Not wanting anyone to bring down his “master race” and wanting to keep everything in order, he either mass exiled or mass murdered many young children under 14, elderly people over 60s, extremely sick people and people with medical disabilities. These included Molly’s own sister, and what almost happened to Vernon and their cancer support group, despite them all being in remission.
  • What makes the situation worse was that he had their reanimated corpses impaled on spikes as a wall, in order to scare anyone off from trying to com into the city.
  • He also enforced mass abortions against pregnant women in order to prevent any children from being born, under threat of being exiled.
  • Even excluding his monstrous actions, he saw himself as the savior of the city and had numerous posters of himself around his community, suggesting how full of himself he was.
  • Thanks to his paranoia and social Darwinism, he caused the massive downfall of his city, causing the deaths of all his citizens and himself.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Comic Books
Thomas Richards | The Marauders | Pete Anderson | David

TV Show
Ed Peletier | Dave | Tony | Tomas | Andrew | Allen | Mitch Dolgen | Len | Joe | Dan | Martin | Crazed Man | Officer Gorman | Pete Anderson | Gregory | Donnie | David | Jocelyn | Jared | Gunther | Justin | Jed | Pope | Brandon Carver | Simon | Shira | Sebastian Milton | Toby Carlson | The Warden | Alpha

Video Games
Danny St. John | Jake | Crawford Oberson | Bill Carver | Troy | Randall | Badger | Dorian
