Hate Sink Wiki

Cui is a supporting antagonist in the Namek Saga of Dragon Ball Z. He is an elite soldier of Frieza.

What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]

  • The anime shows he led the assault on the planet of the children in the mirror spaceship, sadistically murdering all of the adults and scarring Bun's cheek. The children were forced to escape in a spaceship and were left as orphans.
  • He is Vegeta's self-proclaimed rival in the Galactic Frieza Army. As such, he is in essence pre-reformation Vegeta with all of his negative traits but none of his cool factors. Like Vegeta, Cui is sadistic and cruel. Cui is also a bully who enjoyed lording over Vegeta. He is incredibly smug. Unlike Vegeta however, Cui is a dirty coward and thinks he's way cooler than he really is. He boasts that he is Vegeta's rival even though Vegeta doesn't see him as such. While boasting that he is one of Frieza's elite soldiers, Frieza and Cui both admit they never particularly liked each other. In contrast, Vegeta was one of Frieza's favorite soldiers before Vegeta's betrayal.
  • He kickstarts Vegeta's redemption arc. His bullying of Vegeta is the first sympathetic moment we have toward Vegeta, as well as the first indication that Frieza and his men are even worse than him.
  • He is introduced to us by mocking Vegeta and taunting him over the deaths of his Saiyan comrades, Nappa and Raditz. This shows not only his cruelty, but also his ignorance, as Vegeta never even cared for Nappa and Raditz. In fact, Vegeta was the one who killed Nappa.
  • He is shown to be ignorant of the ability to suppress one's true power. He was fooled by Vegeta suppressing his power, thinking that Vegeta had actually gotten weaker. This is another difference between the two, as Vegeta was shown not to be fooled by his scouter's power level readings of the Z Warriors. This indicates that Vegeta is more clever than Cui.
  • Once Vegeta shows his true power, Cui, realizing he is no match for Vegeta, cowardly offers to team-up with Vegeta against Frieza to save his own life. When Vegeta refuses, Cui resorts to trickery, tricking Vegeta into thinking Frieza is behind him so he can blast Vegeta while his back is turned. This shows Cui as a dirty fighter who will resort to trickery. Vegeta would never resort to such trickery to win a battle. It doesn't even work anyway, as Vegeta dodges the blasts.
  • He is ultimately killed in a humiliating fashion while trying to flee.
  • Overall, he is a sadist, a bully, a dirty coward who uses trickery to win, a smug snake, and an ignorant man who thinks he's cooler than he really is.


            Hate Sinks

Anime and Manga
Dragon Ball
Master Shen | Commander Red | Tao Pai Pai | Tambourine

Dragon Ball Z
Cui | Dodoria | Orlen | Mr. Shu | Dr. Gero | Future Androids 17 & 18 | Babidi | Spopovich | Van Zant | Smitty

Dragon Ball Super
Goku Black | Future Zamasu | Barry Kahn | Quitela | Monna

Dragon Ball GT
Don Kee | Baby | Naturon Shenron | Eis Shenron | Syn Shenron

Movies and OVA

Babidi (Majin Buu Saga in 5 Minutes) | Cell (Dragon Ball Rise)
