Hate Sink Wiki

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This One acts only for the Hive's Survival.
~ D'Vorah declaring her intentions.

D'Vorah is an insectoid villain from Mortal Kombat. She appears as the secondary antagonist in Mortal Kombat X and a major antagonist in Mortal Kombat 11. She is the leader of the Kytinn, a colonial species of insects that

She was portrayed by Kelly Hu.

What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]

  • Killed Baraka in cold blood by impaling and ripping out his heart and brain.
  • Killed Mileena through spewing flesh eating insects down her mouth which reduced her entire head into a mere skull.
  • Backstabbed Kotal Kahn by giving Shinnok's Amulet over to Quan Chi to aid in freeing the former from imprisonment.
  • Trapped and tortured Johnny Cage for Shinnok.
  • Bragged to Shao Kahn about killing Mileena.
  • Killed the present version of Scorpion.
  • She's heavily implied to eat children, both of her own race and others as well, even sadistically taunting Sheeva about it in an intro dialogue.
  • She always rats her allies out or runs away when her life is on the line showing that she only cares about herself.
  • Much to it, every other character treats her as disgusting parasite, showing how much she's disliked for her blood thirst.
  • Many times called Mileena a disgusting Clone, despite also displaying disgusting qualities herself.