Hate Sink Wiki

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Dan is a minor antagonist of the second half season 4 of The Walking Dead. He is a member of The Claimers.

He was portrayed by Keith Brooks.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He joined The Claimers, a group of survivors who attack small groups to steal their supplies and rape women if they encounter them.
  • He is the most sadistic member of the group along with Joe.
  • He participates in the murder of another of its members, Len.
  • He attempted to rape Carl Grimes as a child for his own sadistic enjoyment and did not mind hearing his cries of fear while he did it.
  • After his group is killed, he takes Carl hostage and threatens to kill him, but then when Rick goes after him, he lets him go, but in an act of cowardice.
  • His death from being stabbed multiple times by Rick is one of the most satisfying deaths on the show.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Comic Books
Thomas Richards | The Marauders | Pete Anderson | David

TV Show
Ed Peletier | Dave | Tony | Tomas | Andrew | Allen | Mitch Dolgen | Len | Joe | Dan | Martin | Crazed Man | Officer Gorman | Pete Anderson | Gregory | Donnie | David | Jocelyn | Jared | Gunther | Justin | Jed | Pope | Brandon Carver | Simon | Shira | Sebastian Milton | Toby Carlson | The Warden | Alpha

Video Games
Danny St. John | Jake | Crawford Oberson | Bill Carver | Troy | Randall | Badger | Dorian
