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Dandy Mott is the main villain of American Horror Story: Freak Show. He was portrayed by Finn Wittrock, and was the first character that he portrayed on the show.
What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]
- Admittedly, some of his behavior could be explained by inbreeding, as was the simple fact that his own mother kept spoiling him. But nevertheless, he was not a truly sympathetic character.
- For example, Elsa felt similarly to the way he did. She too was bored with her lifestyle. But she did not make the same decisions as he did, and her justification for her actions (having her legs cut off while she was conscious) does hold a lot of water. And while one could say Dandy was Twisty's protege, Twisty himself did not know his actions were hurting people, and he ended up redeeming himself when he agreed to join Mordrake's circus. Dandy, in contrast, knew just how much he was hurting others.
- His Ancestor, Edward Mott, suffered the same inbreeding. But while he may have been unstable, he was far from a genuinely evil person.
- Even as a child, Gloria herself admitted that she displayed characteristics of sociopathy. And he may have been involved in another boy's disappearance.
- Dora herself noted that he had a habit of killing animals, though Gloria herself didn't pay much attention to it.
- While he didn't kill the children that Twisty had kidnapped, it is implied that he entertained the idea. And Twisty didn't flat-out encourage him to hurt people, contrary to what he thought.
- He decides to kill Dora, regardless of whether she was willing to face her own death at his hands or not. Gloria decides not to tell anyone about this, but is horrified, nevertheless. Though she herself wasn't as nice to Dora as she should have been.
- He later decides to kill Gloria when she intends to flee the countryside with him so that the two of them can avoid paying for their crimes, partly because she knows that they won't be able to lie to Regina about her mother's disappearance forever. Gloria had previously given her son a therapy session because she was worried what would happen if she didn't take action to stop him from killing anyone else, though Dandy himself believed that she was lying when she claimed he would measure his IQ. Though considering Dandy's psychopathic nature, running away would only be a temporary solution. And he implied that he would kill her if the police surrounded their mansion. He seemingly showed remorse when his mother admitted he was making her upset, but he decided that he did enjoy killing her. And to add insult to injury, he also decided to bathe in her blood afterwards, alluding to his therapy session.
- When Dandy Mott admits to Regina that he is a serial killer, she herself is horrified by what he has done. And she figures out that not only was he responsible for her mother's death, but he was also responsible for his own mother's death, as well. Unfortunately, Dandy bribes a cop to kill her. (It's unclear as to what happens to this cop, but he may have regretted his actions had he seen his killing spree for himself.)
- While his therapist himself did not end up being a victim, he expresses concern that Dandy will hurt his mother if no action is taken, as he was having gruesome fantasies, and showed willingness to commit cannibalism and bathe in people's blood (he chose the latter). And he turns out to be right.
- He engineered the Tupperware Party Massacre, and framed Jimmy for it in retaliation for taking Bette and Dot away from him, though it also helped prevent the police from investigating him. And while he didn't intend for this to happen, he was partially responsible for Jimmy losing his hands.
- While he promises Bette and Dot everything, he does not show them true affection. Dot herself expresses frustration with him, though he could provide them with the money they wanted. Luckily, it turns out that Jimmy does truly love them, so they take him up on his offer to take them back to the fairground. Though this does end up being a contributing factor to Gloria's death (she was at fault for purchasing them, but did not deserve her final fate), Dandy fails to realize that money will not buy him love.
- He decided to turn his mother into a puppet, decapitating another woman to make the puppet loosely resemble Bette and Dot.
- After he buys the fairground in Elsa's absence (the freaks considered killing her, but Bette and Dot appreciated what Elsa did for them, so they decided she did not deserve to die and allowed her to leave for this reason), he decides to mistreat the freaks simply because they cannot meet his unrealistic demands. So they decide that they won't work for him anymore.
- He then decides to go on a killing spree and massacre the freaks. Some of them had already died, but some of them had not. Desiree herself narrowly avoided being one of the victims, and Jimmy could have suffered the same fate had he not been away from the fairground at the time. And while he did not kill Bette and Dot, he did decide to kidnap them. So essentially, he committed a killing spree over a punishment he wholly deserved.
- He shamelessly pleads for his life when at the freaks' mercy, and attempts to emotionally manipulate them by offering them money, even though he had murdered their family.
- Desiree outright admitted that she considered him to be the biggest freak of them all, regardless of what he looks like. And her companions most likely felt the same way, given what they said to him. Bette and Dot themselves did not think twice to assist Jimmy and Desiree in his execution.
- He represents who Elsa and Twisty would be if they were truly evil, as Elsa had no intention of killing all the freaks at the fairground and grew to truly love them, even Ethel. Coincidentally, both of these characters meet the same fate, though Elsa knows exactly what she is doing while Twisty presumably does not know who Edward Mordrake was. Additionally, both of them end up much better off than Dandy despite dying, as his afterlife presumably does not give him access to any of his money.
- He represents the aesop that people should be judged by their behavior and not their appearances, as with the freaks themselves. Dandy can hide his true nature from others, however.
- His catchphrase (yelling "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!") can be considered ironic, considering he is on this page.
- By killing Dandy Mott, the Freaks ended up cutting down the Mott family tree. However, this was probably for the best given that they were becoming progressively worse throughout the generations. (Edward Mott displayed some of the characteristics Dandy had, but while him suffering from social anxiety implied he was mentally ill, he was not truly evil.) And he was partly responsible because he killed his mother, his only living relative.
External Links[]
- Dandy Mott on Pure Evil Wiki