Hate Sink Wiki
Percy Wetmore Horrified

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The dream versions of Charlie Morningstar and Emily are the two main antagonists of the two panel Hazbin Hotel fan comic Vaggie's Nightmare. They appear in Vaggie's dream and turn it into a nightmare.

These two, like as the article title implies, are dream versions of Charlie Morningstar and Emily, whom appear in Vaggie's dream, only to turn Vaggie's dream into a nightmare.

What Makes Them Hate Sinks?[]

  • They turn Vaggie's dream into a nightmare by singing a song about they love each other and the song with them kissing (heavily implied) while Vaggie is still in a relationship with the real life Charlie; this ruined Vaggie's dream and making her wake up to a nightmare.
  • After Vaggie wakes up from the dream, the real Charlie tells her about the zoo in heaven and how Emily takes her to the newborn area and let her carry Pussycat, Vaggie just waking up from the dream and her hearing was distorted so she only heard Emily and the first part of Pussycat's name (which is a slang for female genitalia). Since she was still thinking about the counterparts of Charlie and Emily from her dream, Vaggie went after the real Emily with the spear of longinus from "Neon Genesis Evangelion", trying to hurt (or even worse kill Emily), with the only thing trying to stop her is the real Charlie. So, if the dream versions of the two didn't do what they did in the dream, it's likely that this wouldn't happen, making them indirectly reasonable for Vaggie's attempt to attack the real Emily.
    • While Vaggie using the spear of longinus from "Neon Genesis Evangelion" to try to hurt Emily is comedic, it doesn't district from there hateability.
  • They received no punishments for there actions, making them both Karma Houdinis.
  • Overall, while the only appear once in the two panel comic, they stand out has not only has not only did they turn Vaggie's dream into a nightmare, but they also are indirectly reasonable for her attack on the real Emily.


  • They are the first versions of Charlie Morningstar and Emily to be Hate Sinks.

External Links[]


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Hazbin Hotel
Valentino | Katie Killjoy

Helluva Boss
Stella | Cash Buckzo | Crimson | Crimson's Lawyer | Arick Burnz | Karen Client

F.A.L.L.E.N: Deerie, Rachael and Beau
Fredverse: Lucifer Morningstar | Valentino
Heaven Can Wait: Adam
Just Her Sister: Vaggie
Rescues and Revelations: Valentino
Schlouden06: Valentino
Something About Luna: Diamond Storm | Velcro | Meowstills | Valentino | Mammon
Vaggie's Nightmare: Dream Charlie and Dream Emily
Emily's Revelations: Blair Everly (Pride) | Morgana Piers (Greed) | Liane Snider (Envy) | Jade Crystal (Original Script) (Lust) | Muzu Oomi (Gluttony) | Jasper Doyle (Sloth)
Ask the Crossover Friends: Luke Sterling (Pride) | Natalie Bailey (Greed) | Preston Hawkins (Lust) | Elisa Matthews (Envy) | Nikki (Gluttony) | Vincent Maroon (Wrath)
The_AiSpongebob: Vaggie and Charlie Morningstar
Hazbin Hotel Journey Of The Sinners: Luis | Valentino | EXE | Lute | Leviathan Von Eldrich | Roo
Owl's Hell That Ends Well: Baroness Eathelin | Andrealphus | Baron Wastes
Thicker Than Water: Zip | Zero | Overlord Jack
Sworn to You: Valentino | Vox
Saving Blitzo: Moxxie's Parents | Stella | Natasha and Alexander
A Monster and a Saint: Deerie | Travis | Valentino | Vox
Precious Like Starlight: Vox | Seviathan Von Eldrich | Adam
Fully Fallen: Adam | Lute
Did It Hurt When You Fell?: Adam | Lute
Pumped Up Kids: MILA | Valentino | Vox’s Parents | Niffty’s Ex-Boyfriend
Others: Valentino (Hellish Bells/To New Heights) | Marie (Tales from Hell: Hazbin Hotel) | Valentino (Stay Tuned) | Cain (Lose Those Chains)
A Loud Among Demons: Striker | Richie Manning | Vincent Stillman | Mickey "Bull-Stomp" Rogers | Stella | Crimson
Others: Deerie (Lincoln Goes to Hell) | Loona's Parents (My Little Loona) | The Doctor (No one Escapes...Redemption?) | HOLY DIVER (A Peaceful Afterlife) | Valentino (Please Go Home) | Katie Killjoy (Redemption The Lone Lobster) | Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench (WannaBee) | Loona's Teachers (You ARE My Real Dad)
