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Duncan Matthews is a major antagonist of X-Men Evolution. He is the ex-boyfriend of Jean Grey and is the arch Rival of Scott Summers and he hates mutants and is a enemy of the X-Men.

He is voiced by Vincent Gale.

What Makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He is extremely rude to Scott.
  • Though he is the boyfriend of Jean Grey he doesn’t show no love for he only likes how she dresses.
  • Though he did stop Toad from stealing wallets he only did it just to cruelly beat him up and even though Toad didn’t deserve it.
  • When Scott stopped him from beating Toad up he punched Scott and removed his glasses and causes Scott to accidentally open his eyes on him by using his laser on him.
  • Because of what he did to Scott, the police almost suspected the mutants because of him.
  • When Blob tells him which class is he supposed to be in, he makes fun of him by saying he should be in a sideshow which enrages Blob and he tries to kill him by crushing him with a bunch of locker doors.
  • He laughed at Blob when he falls which caused him to start a food fight.
  • He was indirectly responsible for increasing Blob’s anger.
  • At the dance in the school he doesn’t dance with Jean and was only talking with his friends showing that he doesn’t really show no love for her.
  • Though he was the only student not to be hostile towards Jean that she’s a mutant this was only out of pragmatism so that he could be with her and not Scott which causes her to rightfully break up with him.
  • He was willing to accept Principal Kelly’s plan of hurting the X-Men.
  • As the anti-mutants hysteria grew especially toward the disfigured one, ex. Morlocks, Duncan and his friends used one of mining tools as a weapon to harm and kill Mutants.
    • During the rampage both, Jean and Duncan are done with each other with Duncan hates toward Mutants is bigger than any possible love towards her.
    • He also attempt to harm an innocent Mutant named Dorian Leech, but it backfired to the point that Leech unintentional used his power to shut down all technology and mutant powers within his range allowing Duncan and his friends to be arrested by the police for all the trouble they caused. Also, this made it difficult for Leech to have any normal life now that he is exposed as a Mutant as his mom worked hard for.

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Marvel Logo.svg Hate Sinks

High Evolutionary | Theel | William Rawlins | Arthur Walsh | Brooke | Daniel Whitehall | Donald Menken | Dr. Kafka | Diamondback | D'Spayre | Ellen Nadeer | Fight Promoter | General Dreykov | Gideon Malick | Glenn Talbot | Hammerhead | Harold Meachum | Ward Meachum | Justin Hammer | Laufey | O' Connor | Rapu | Raza | Supreme Intelligence | Venom | Red Hulk | Aida | Brad Davis | Ajax | Headmaster | Dr. Zander Rice | Vuk | Carlton Drake | Deacon Frost | Glenn Talbot | HulkKing | Kasius | Sadie Deever | Sonny Burch | Yellowjacket | Zeus | Mr. Paradox

Alistair Smythe | Anna Watson | Herbert Landon | Graydon Creed | Henry Gyrich | Ultimate Goblin | Ultron | Fabian Cortez | Principal Kelly | Duncan Matthews | Princess Zanda | Keemia Marko

Dr. Stillwell | Scorpion | Hammerhead | Simon Krieger | Glenn Talbot

Doctor Octopus: Amazing Spider-Man | Marvel Noir
Others: Jones | Judge DuPrey | Mickey Fane, Polly Hu and Eleventhree | Mister Brownstone | Burglar | Nicky Cavella | Nightshade (Ghost Rider) | George Reagan | Norman Osborn (Marvel, What If? Secret Invasion) | Ultron-1320 | Reed Richards (Marvel Zombies) | The Slavers | The Thousand | Henry Peter Gyrich | Fabian Cortez | Inspector Krahn | Venom (Raimiverse) | William Rawlins | Apex (Avengers Arena) | Agent Roger Dooley | Dum Dum Dugan | Red Skull (Secret Empire) | Colonel De Sade | Vincent Rosa | Heavy (The Punisher) | Magneto (Ultimate X-Men) | Ultimate Deadpool | Abomination (2008 Novelization) | Red Skull (Marvel, Secret Empire) | Mephisto (Marvel) | Childs | Carlton Drake | Contagion | Cristu Bulat | Eleventhree | Glenn Talbot (Marvel) | Jigsaw (MAX)

Old Man Logan:
Mysterio | Red Skull | Hulk

Marvel Fanfilm Universe:
Electro | Druig | Krakkan |Taserface | Prowler
Ultimate Marvel Movies:
Cashier | Superior Spider | Norman Osborn
Others: Green Goblin |Galactus | Agent Levine

See Also
DC Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | Disney Hate Sinks
