Hate Sink Wiki
Hate Sink Wiki

Eddie Valentino is a recurring character in the Dhar Mann videos. Similar to Mikey Miller and Jay Lawson, he is a mischievous troublemaker who often resorts to doing distasteful things to get what he wants.

He is portrayed by Winston Vengapelly.

What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]

  • Unlike Mikey and Jay, none of the videos that he appears him has him better behaved, as all of them feature him as some sort of troublemaker who always gets punished in the end.
  • He broke into a store at night to steal the world's first PlayStation 6, causing him to get arrested in the end, although the item he tried stealing wasn't of any value as the box was empty, the cops still arrested him anyway as it still counts as breaking and entering.
  • Tries cheating in a school fundraiser by driving an ice cream truck while underage, in addition to pretending that his grandfather was ill in order to sell chocolate.
  • In his debut, he forces two girls to do his homework for him, as well as making them write him an essay. He also decides to cheat them by forcing them to give him their money using various tactics.
  • Whenever he gets caught, he will always whine and throw temper tantrums in a very obnoxious manner.
  • Any time he claims he has learned his lesson or apologizes, the next video will always show him back at it again, suggesting that he hasn't actually learned anything and will just keep on doing it.

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