Hate Sink Wiki
Hate Sink Wiki

As long as you let your feelings anchor you. Forever shall you remain weaker than I. Always the servant. Always the slave YOUNG SKYWALKER!
~ Sidious to Darth.

Darth Sidious, also known as Emperor Palpatine, is the main antagonist of Star Wars Theory's Vader fan film series.

He is the tyrannical ruler of the Galactic Empire, the Dark Lord of the Sith, and Darth Vader's master. He was responsible for Vader's turn to the Dark Side and the genocide of the Jedi.

He is portrayed by Steven Bartlett and voiced by Bradley Klein in the first episode.

What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]

  • He is a ruthless and sadistic tyrant who simply wants to enslave Luke Skywalker and make him work for him.
  • He is seemingly psychopathic and power-hungry, and he clearly cares for himself. This shows that Palpatine is completely selfish.
  • In Vader's vision, he is shown to be brutally torturing Vader, and he seems to be enjoying it.
  • He also seems to be arrogant, and takes pleasure in trying to test Vader, given that he tried to get Vader to kill him in the first episode for pragmatic reasons.
  • He is a plain sadist who just likes hurting others and killing them.


  • His original version from the Star Wars canon does not qualify as a Hate Sink due to being too Laughably Evil and having an Evil Is Cool vibe. However, his alternate version from Vader does indeed qualify as a Hate Sink as, unlike the original version of Darth Sidious, this version of him was solely created to be hated by the audience.

External Links[]


           StarTheForce Hate Sinks

Galactic Empire
Conan Antonio Motti | Orson Krennic | Lieutenant Nolan | Dr. Royce Hemlock | Vaneé | Kassius Konstantine | Captain Slavin

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Wat Tambor | Nute Gunray | Osi Sobeck | Keeper Agruss | Ziro the Hutt | Dr. Nuvo Vindi

The First Order
Brendol Hux

Ciddarin Scaleback | Pong Krell | Sebulba

Admiral Kendal Ozzel | Head Techno Union Scientist | Dezono Qua | Xor | Cronal | Kul Teska | Dr. Cornelius Evazan

Adam Taurus (Jaune Arc: Lord of Hunger) | Emperor Palpatine (Vader)
