Hate Sink Wiki

Never given a thought to his weapon! He'd make a better Knights' Academy janitor than an actual knight!
~ Ethan Zilgo about Fletcher.

Ethan Zilgo is a character from the LEGO Nexo Knights franchise, appearing as a minor antagonist in The Forbidden Power book. He is a rich kid and a freshman at the Knights' Academy who looks down on people of lower class.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He is shown to be very arrogant and prideful of his social status.
  • He expresses his disdain towards commoners and even orphans several times throughout the book.
  • During his first meeting with Fletcher, the narration says that he observed the orphan kid as if he was "the human embodiment of skin rash", solely due to his ignorance.
  • While he appears to be friends with Beak, their relationship isn't fleshed out and it's unclear if they truly care for each other.
  • He bribed Chef Munch to give him a clue to the location of Ned Knightley's sword with silver and gold, but when he did give him a clue, only paid him with copper.
  • While he won the students' field quest, it's not treated as a fair victory, since he achieved it by bribing.
  • During a class, he picked Fletcher as his sparring partner and pretended to show remorse for insulting him, only to use it as an excuse to beat him up.
  • He insincerily apologized to the teacher about his actions, which led to him pairing up him and Fletcher once again during the Combatition, an opportunity that Zilgo used to humiliate the orphan in front of the entire school.
  • Despite considering himself a fan of Lance Richmond, he shows no respect towards his sister over her siding with Fletcher.
  • In the end, he doesn't suffer any significant consequences for his actions and plans to "expose" Fletcher as a "fraud".
  • He lacks any redeeming qualities, "evil is cool" moments or comedic traits the other Nexo Knights antagonists have, and most characters in the franchise hold no respect to him due to his actions.


  • Ethan Zilgo and Jorah Tightwad are the only two Nexo Knights Hate Sinks.
  • Ethan Zilgo appears to be based off Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter franchise, as both characters are rich kids and students of prestigious schools who bully the main protagonist with magic abilities. However, unlike Ethan, Draco ultimately reformed and no longer counts as a Hate Sink.
    • At least two sequels for The Forbidden Power were planned but got cancelled. If they were released and Zilgo appeared in them, it's possible that he would also change and no longer be a Hate Sink.

External links[]


           Lego Logo Hate Sinks

Nexo Knights
Ethan Zilgo | Jorah Tightwad

H.J. Hollis

See Also
Ninjago Hate Sinks | Cartoon Network Hate Sinks

           Cartoon Network Logo Hate Sinks

TV Shows
The Powerpuff Girls
Dick Hardly | Princess Morbucks | Mike Brikowski | Femme Fatale | Stanley and Sandra Practice | Sakamoto | The Fluffy Bunch | Major Man

Courage the Cowardly Dog
Cruel Veterinarian | Mad Dog

Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?
Lenny and Denny Yogman

Codename: Kids Next Door
Numbuh 363 | Chester | Nurse Claiborne

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Terrence | Bendy | Angelica | Kip Snip | Dylan Lee

Teen Titans
Malchior | Val-Yor

Ben 10
Will Harangue | Morgg | Mr. & Mrs. Mann | Camille's Ex-Boyfriend


Protoboy | Donnie Turnbull | Dwight Turnbull

Adventure Time
Stag | Ash | Ricardo | Gnomes (The Enchiridion!) | King of Ooo | Toronto | Hana Abadeer | The Royal Advisors | Chicle

Sym-Bionic Titan
Baron | Galalunan Commander

Regular Show
Natalia | Bert Coleman | Unicorns | The Night Owl | Karen (Take The Cake) | The Sheriff (Gold Watch) | Country Club Leader (Country Club) | Klorgbane the Destroyer | Silver Dude | Susan

SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
Lieutenant Commander Steel | Burke and Murray

The Amazing World of Gumball
Harold Wilson | Felicity Parham

Steve Malek | Mrs. Siddiqui | Owen | Aaron Keendel | Dean Jackson | Si Rich | Hitesh Rhakara

Steven Universe
Marty | Kevin | Holly Blue Agate | Aquamarine

We Bare Bears
Ralph | Dave | Andy Bangs | Lewis | Courtney

Infinity Train
Grace Monroe's Parents

Atomic Betty
Penelope Lang | Petunia Lorelei Lang

Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show
Eddy's Brother

We Bare Bears: The Movie
Agent Trout

Adult Swim
Moral Orel
Cecil Creepler | Dr. Secondopinionson

Final Space
Superior Stone | Werthrent

Night Feeder | Queen Ima

My Adventures with Superman
Parasite | Lex Luthor

Smiling Friends

Samurai Jack
Cacciatore | High Priestess | The Dominator

Steven Universe
Jowls (We Can Be Heroes!)

See Also:
Ninjago Hate Sinks | LEGO Hate Sinks | Rick and Morty Hate Sinks | Total Drama Hate Sinks
