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Filthy Rich: You owe a great deal more than that, Granny Smith, and I for one would hate to see you lose this farm.
Applejack: What in tarnation are ya goin’ on about?
Filthy Rich: Your Granny here is in quite some debt with me, young filly, and it’s high time I’m paid my money.
Applejack: The Apple family hasn’t borrowed money from you in ages!
Granny Smith: Now hold on there, Applejack, that ain’t quite true youngin’.
Applejack: Whaddya mean, Granny?
Granny Smith: Well… Ah didn’t want to worry you none but this season hasn’t been too kind on Sweet Apple Acres and we’ve been needing an extra bit or two just to keep up with demand. It’s just a bad weather spell is all, it’ll pass.
Filthy Rich: That may be so, but what HAS passed is my deadline. What with interest and everything I’d say, you’d owe about a half of your farm’s worth by now.
Applejack: Half of the farm?! Granny why didn’t you tell me we were hurtin’ for money?!
Granny Smith: Now now Applejack, this here is my business, don’t you worry none. You’re a reasonable pony, Filthy, can’t we work something out?
Filthy Rich: I believe I may know just the thing.
Applejack: But you already taken half.
Filthy Rich: (smug) Precisely.
Applejack: Wait a minute, you want our entire supply of zap-apple jam this year?! We need that money, along with the sales of cider just to keep this family going in the winter time!
Filthy Rich: Well, the way I see it, you don’t have much of a choice now do ya missy?
Applejack: You can’t actually be considerin’ this, can ya Granny?
Granny Smith: Well…
Filthy Rich: I’ll be by in two weeks for my product. And I’ll be countin’ them jars too, don’t you go thinking you can hold out on ole Filthy Rich. I get every last jar or this farm goes into foreclosure, you hear?
~ Filthy Rich with his conversation with Granny Smith and Applejack, who he tries to take more money that what he owed from them, showing how unfair and greedy he is.

Filthy Rich: My my my… that IS mighty impressive young filly! It’s nice to see a little hustle these days.
Applejack: And the debt?
Filthy Rich: Repaid in full ‘s far as I’m concerned.
Applejack: Good. 400 jars of jam for a debt repaid.
Filthy Rich: Pardon?
Applejack: 400 jars… that was the deal. Twice your order from last year?
Filthy Rich: I believe I said EVERY jar of jam, young filly.
Applejack: Now you’re a reasonable pony ‘n all… you know if we don’t get the sales from the zap apples, we’ll be hurtin’ again in the winter months. Ah figured since yer gettin’ yer order so quickly, you wouldn’t mind us holdin’ onto a few jars…
Filthy Rich: I appreciate your business sense Applejack, but a deal’s a deal. Even with the extra jam, that debt would still be technically underpaid. I’m doing you a favor, and all I ask is for the jars I was promised.
Applejack: Now hold on just a minute! That ain’t fair and you know it!
Filthy Rich: Ain’t about being fair. It’s about knowing how to conduct business.
[Applejack stamps her hoof in frustration, only for Filthy Rich to hold out a hoof to stop her before she could say anything]
Filthy Rich: Tell you what, I’ll let you buy back some of your jam - half price. For personal use of course. And if you’re hurtin’ for funds by the winter months, then y’all know you can come to ole Filthy Rich.
~ Filthy Rich as he lies about his deal with Applejack.

Filthy Rich is an overarching antagonist from the Dark Fanfiction Creepypasta An Apple Sleep Experiment, which was written by Magpiepony. He has his first debut in Part 1 and again in 5.

He is a businessman who is an Owner of Rich's Barnyard Bargains, who has tried to mess up a deal with Applejack over a deal he had with The Apple Family, which would lead to Applejack to go to desperate measures to get her deal done and used the Sleepless Potion, leading to her to slowly go insane and become a psychotic serial killer and murdering 13 ponies (one of said victims being Filthy Rich himself).

What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]

In General/Background[]

  • He is a snobby, greedy, bossy, irritatingly smug businesspony who makes unfair deals with the Apple Family as a way to purposely get them in dept. He, unlike his original counterpart, is dishonest and unfair, as he forces Applejack to owe him every single jar of Zap Apple Jam, even though he had a deal for them to make 400 jars.
    • Even though Filthy Rich does make a promise for Applejack to let her buy back some of her Zap Apple Jam for half-price and that she can come to him if she needs funds for the winter, this would later be revealed that it was revealed that he didn't actually care about the apples and was just trying to screw her over with his deal and make her lose her family farm.
    • His actions would also lead to Applejack to use the Sleepless Potion that Twilight Sparkle gave her and overwork herself to the point that she breaks her back legs and sending her to a hospital. This would also mean that Applejack would be unable to do her job of apple farming and unable to get her job done.
    • This would also lead to Applejack into slowly becoming an insane and gain hallucinations and leading her to eventually become a psychotic serial killer that she would become later in the story, leading to her believe that he sent "spies" to take her Family Farm.

In The Story[]

  • In the beginning of the story, it was mentioned that Granny Smith was in debt with him as he has them owe him about a half of the price of the Apple Farm even though he already taken half of the price, with Filthy being smug about it and wants the Apple Family's entire supply of zap-apple jam. As he leaves, he held his head high and sarcastically says "Good day.".
    • Even though he did make a deal with Applejack to make 400 jars of Zap Apple Jam (twice the amount Filthy Rich usually gets), he decides to mess her over by demanding her every single jar of jam. Applejack does mention that the Apple family had to make sure to make enough money from their sales for their Zap Apples or they would end up not having enough money to keep their family to have enough for the winter. However, Filthy Rich says that even with the extra jam, he would still be underpaid. This would lead to Applejack pointing out that Filthy Rich's deal wasn't fair and get angry at him, only for Filthy Rich to say that it is about knowing how to conduct a business and not about being fair. This shows how dishonorable he is, which is contrast to his original counterpart, whom is originally a reasonable and honorable businesspony. This even makes Apple Bloom be quite upset that he wouldn't allow the Apple family to keep a single jar even after Applejack had worked so hard for them.
    • This would lead to Applejack to overwork herself to the point that she breaks her legs and sending her to a hospital. This would also mean that Applejack would be unable to do her job of apple farming and unable to get her job done.
  • His actions would also lead to Applejack to become so desperate to the point she decides to ask Twilight Sparkle for the Sleepless Potion (which makes the drinker to permanently by unable to sleep), causing her to slowly go insane as she starts hallucinating, leading to her become a psychotic serial killer that she became within the story, leading to her believing that he sent "spies" to take her Family Farm.
  • Even though it has been confirmed that Filthy Rich was brutally killed by Applejack (as it was mentioned that his remains had already painted the orchard floor red from Applejack’s rage) while she was hallucinating, his death was rather deserved for giving her an unfair deal and overworking her.

External Link[]


           My Little Pony G4 logo Hate Sinks

Generation Four
Friendship is Magic
Prince Blueblood | Suri Polomare | Wind Rider | Spoiled Rich | Svengallop | Professor Flintheart | Zesty Gourmand | Gladmane | The Expert Ponies | Sludge | Mean Six (Mean Fluttershy | Mean Applejack | Mean Rarity | Mean Rainbow Dash)

Equestria Girls
Principal Cinch | Filthy Rich

Pseudocorns | King Diomedes | Blonn Di and Shining Light

Mane Six
Twilight Sparkle: Luster's Last Lesson | Terror in Equestria
Pinkie Pie: Cupcakes | Starlight and The Cupcake Factory | Le Petite Four
Rainbow Dash: If I Can't Have My Dream, You Can't Either
Applejack: Apple Family Horror
Fluttershy: Starlight and The Cupcake Factory
Rarity: TBA

Starlight Glimmer: A Lyre's Song | The Friendship Test
Minuette: The Last Appointment | Just Another Rat | The Last Hearts and Hooves Day | Violent Night, Oh Bloody Night!
Princess Luna: Cheerilee's Garden/Scarlett Harvest | Justice is Served
Cheerilee: Cheerilee's Garden | Justice is Served | Cheerilee's Garden: A Metallic Touch
Diamond Tiara: Carving Too Deep | Pony Psychology
Others: Amdusias/The Thunder Demon/The Duke of Inferno (The Rose of Life) | Amethyst Star (Violent Night, Oh Bloody Night!) | Sherlock Hooves (Cheerilee's Garden) | Cherry Blossom (Rainbow Savior) | Gilda (Rainbow Savior) | Filthy Rich (An Apple Sleep Experiment) | Lyra Heartstrings (The Last Appointment) | Sauvignon Rouge | Mr. Shy (Silent Ponyville Chronicles) | Nightmare Moon (Shattered Moon) | Daybreaker (Shattered Moon) | Octavia's Parents (A Puppet To Her Fame) | Cozy Glow's Parents (Saving Cozy) | Pokey Pierce (Popped) - by Tapoff | Spoiled Rich (In Our House) - by Waxworks | Voron Scratch (Vampiolence) | Fu Ling (RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse) | Suri Polomare (The Curse of Slendermane) | Screwball/Topsy Turvy (Pony Psychology) | Dr. Jacqueline Dionna Reitman (The Conversion Bureau: The Other Side of the Spectrum) | Rarity's Former Boyfriend | Swift Strike (What You are Meant to Be/Picking Up the Pieces) | Prince Jewelius (Loved and Lost) | Dr. Caballeron (Daring to Change) | Plague (The Six Winged Serpent) | Ace Swift (Turnabout Storm) | Stygian (Into the Mirror World) | Unnamed Reporter (Twilight's Bureaucracy) | Sod (Twilight's Bureaucracy) | Nosey/Smiles (Fluttershy's Night Out) | Summer Camp Colts (Why Am I Crying?) | Green and Shady Daze (Why Am I Crying?) | Captain Ironhoof (What Hath Joined Together) | Anon (The Last Draconequus) | Prince Blueblood (A Knight To Remember) | Prince Blueblood (The Weedverse - by Kudzuhaiku) | Amadeus Blueblood/Prince Blueblood's Father (The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle) | The Slavers (The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle) | Lake Orchestra (Silent Crusaders)

Starlight and The Cupcake Factory
Pinkie Pie | Party Favor | Fluttershy | Limestone Pie

Fall of Starfleet, Rebirth of Friendship
Grand Ruler Celesto | Rhymey

The Liar
Night Mare | Trixie Lulamoon's Father | Orphanage Foals (Snowbank, Peach Blossom) | The Matron

The Flash Sentry Chronicles
Principal Cinch | Dark Mist | Shadow Corrupter's Parents | Haut Monde

Ask A Pony
Braeburn (Ask Crapplejack) | Vicegerent Zathir (from Ask Genie Twlilight) | Malakhar Manat (from Ask Genie Twlilight) | Cozy Glow (Ask Genie Twilight)

The Nuptialverse
Sunset Shimmer | Lightning Dust | Olive Branch | Discord | Sue/Pinkie Pie's Mother | Speedy Delivery/Scootaloo's Father | Prince Blueblood

Loona's Parents (My Little Loona) | Cozy Glow's Aunt & Uncle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic With Reiner and Bertholdt) | Silver (My Little Pokémon) | Spoiled Rich (Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake) | The Dazzlings (Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship) | Tad and Chad (Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship) | Gary and Betty (Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship) | Khanax (from Star Wars EQG) | Elise's parents/Don and Elise Sr. (The Wheel and the Butterfly Saga) | Elise's ex-boyfriend/Colby (The Wheel and the Butterfly Saga)

Second Attack
Vignette Valencia | Principal Cinch | Flash Sentry
