Hate Sink Wiki
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Freddy Krueger is the main antagonist of the 2010 remake of the 1984 horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street. A sadistic pedophile, Freddy enjoys manipulating children so he could lure them to his cave, molest, torture, and take pictures of them. After his death at the hands of the parents of the children he molested, Freddy now haunts the nightmares of his victims.

He was portrayed by Jackie Earl Haley.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • While the original version made hints about whether or not Freddy was a pedophile, the remake explicitly states that Freddy was a pedophile.
  • Gains the trust of children by faking kindness so he can lure the children to a cave to molest them.
  • He would torture children by cutting children's backs as his own sadistic fetish.
  • He would also take pictures of the children that he molested and tortured.
  • Not only does Freddy go after the children of the parents that murdered him instead of the parents themselves, he also does so in sadistic ways and takes pleasure and joy in the killings.
  • He also would punctures a victim's heart while still allowing his victim's brain to remain functioning for seven more minutes just so Freddy could continue to torture him.
  • He is even more sadistic towards Nancy than he was in the original. In the remake, he plans to make Nancy fall into a coma so that he can keep her as his sex toy for the rest of her life thus continuing to abuse her. This shown his twisted perversion towards victims that are children.
  • At the end of the movie, he murders Nancy's mother right in front of her and faces no comeuppance for his actions whatsoever.
  • Unlike in the original movie where despite also being irredeemably heinous, Freddy made up for it by having genuinely funny one-liners, Freddy in the remake is taken 100% seriously. He also lacks any sort of bad past unlike the original Freddy Krueger.

External links[]


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Bizarre | Chloe | Ebon | Shao Kahn (Victar's Series)

See Also
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