NOTE: This page covers only the future versions of Androids 17 and 18 as their present day counterparts are not Hate Sinks. Thus only information about Future Androids 17 and 18 should be discussed here. |
ā | Dr. Gero created us for the purpose of world domination, but that doesn't really matter to us. Not at all. | ā |
~ Future Android 17 |
ā | Whenever we see humans, it angers us. We hate you humans. | ā |
~ Future Android 18 |
Future Androids 17 and 18 are the main antagonists of Dragon Ball Z OVA The Story of Future Trunks.
They are androids who were initially created by Dr. Gero with the sole purpose of killing Goku and conquering the world, but after seeing that Goku has died from his illness, they decide to kill their creator and go against his orders and instead slowly eradicate all of humanity for their sadistic amusement.
What Makes Them Hate Sinks?[]
- They sadistically murder innocent people for fun for 20 years.
- They murdered the Z fighters, the most infamous case being Future Gohan, which left Trunks permanently scarred for life and it also left Future Gohan's mother, Future Chi Chi, all alone.
- They mock and torture Trunks, even cruelly expressing their hatred towards humans, even though they themselves are humans.
- When they went to a fair, 17 says that humans don't deserve to enjoy it, even though they themselves are the ones who don't deserve it.
- Between the two, Future 17 is arguably the worst, as it's strongly implied murdering people was his idea, and he, on one occasion, murdered a person that 18 let live.
- He is also shown murdering many people by driving a vehicle to run them over (implying that he did the same before) with sadistic glee and attempting to kill an old man with a gun while cruelly mocking him. (In the manga, 17 managed to kill him.)
- Their tragedy of being normal teens that were abducted and turned into androids by Future Dr. Gero does not at all excuse the large amount of people they ruthlessly murdered, who also had nothing to do with it at all.
- Their deaths at the hands of Future Trunks are completely karmic, satisfying, and well-deserved for everything they've done.
- Unlike their present counterparts, who were far stronger and lesser evil, redeemed themselves, and have loving families, these versions of the androids are completely irredeemable, showing no remorse for their actions, and cruelly taking pleasure in all the death and destruction they cause.
External Links[]
- Future Android 17 and Future Android 18 on the Villains Wiki
- Future Androids 17 and 18 on the Near Pure Evil Wiki.
- Future Android 17 and Future Android 18 on the Dragon Ball Wiki
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Anime and Manga Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Super Dragon Ball GT Movies and OVA Fanon |