Hate Sink Wiki
Jones (Slaver) (Earth-616) from Ghost Rider Vol 7 5 001 This character is so dastardly, hated and popular that this character was voted most hated character of: February 2024.

Gal Cat, also known as the Female Cat is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Butch) of the Tom and Jerry episode "Blue Cat Blues".

She is a wealthy, selfish, feline golddigger who manipulates other wealthy cats just to use them for their money before moving on to the next rich cat.

She was the ex-boyfriend of Tom and the ex-husband of butch. Gal also was the one who drove Tom into depression.

What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]

  • Even before she revealed herself as a golddigger, she already hinted that she didn't love Tom by shaping his face to look like a jackass.
  • Although she saw Tom being crushed by Butch's limousine, she walked away with no concern for what happened, thus showing that not only does she not love Tom and she does not care for him.
  • She chose Butch over Tom just because the former was rich, resulting in the latter becoming alcoholic and being heavily implied to commit suicide.
  • She is played dead seriously and was never punished for apathetically rejecting and insulting Tom. What makes this worse is that she didn't even show pity his failed attempts to impress her.
  • She was one of the culprits for why the Blue Cat Blues becoming the darkest Tom and Jerry cartoon.
    • Although Butch was also to blame, most of it was her fault for being a gold-digger, otherwise she would have rejected Butch. Either way, she gets away with her actions.
      • Even though she shows her true colors that she's the most detestable individual by taking clear advantage of one's significant wealth, there's no clear indication that Gal cares about Butch at all. If she even had any to begin with, she still manages to conceal her true colors to Butch and the latter never seemed to care about the fact that she's indeed a golddigger after all.

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Animated Features
Angelo Corleone | Jenner | Dr. Boycott | William Harbottle | Mok Swagger | What's Her Face | Drake | King Malbert | Lord Piggot-Dunceby

Live-Action Features
Miss Almira Gulch | General Mireau | Emilio Largo | El Indio | President Curval | The Duke | Attila Mellanchini | Chris Hargensen | Hugo Drax | Alan Yates' Crew (Alan Yates, Jack Anders & Mark Tomaso) | Art Galt | Peter Silberman | Max Zorin | Bunny | Junior | Richard Jones | Clarence Boddicker | Franz Sanchez | Luther | Rachel Bitterman | Kesslee | Mason Verger | Mark Bing | Eric Stark | Georges Rutaganda | Herod Sayle | Constance Lenz | Pip Everett | Vladis Grutas | Water Street Butcher | Dr. Samuel Loomis | Ronnie White | Noel Kluggs | Kendall Jacks | Mrs. Carmody | Brent Norton | Jim Grondin | General Medrano | Master of Laketown | Alfrid Lickspittle | Lord Cotys | Bartholomew Bogue | Arthur Savage | Shane | Gabe | Logan Ash | Valdo Obruchev

Live-Action Television
Joseph Crackstone | Esther Sinclair

Butch | Gal Cat

Chris Hargensen (A light in the darkness trilogy)

See Also
20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Buena Vista International Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Lantern Entertainment Hate Sinks | Netflix Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks
