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“ | [As Rainbow Dash regained her eyesight, her other senses came flooding back to her. She could sense the horrible smell of rotten flesh and was strapped down to a table.] Gilda: Look at you; writhing like a worm in the air, it’s actually kind of cute. Rainbow Dash: WHY NOT COME OUT AND FACE ME, GILDA?! Gilda: (hugging Rainbow Dash) Oh Dash, it’s been so long. Oh, I guess I should show you what I made for you while I waited. [Gilda wheels dash's table and all around until she found herself staring at a dusty old tarp.] Gilda: I was going to wait until Scootaloo got here so she could see that her little contribution to my little project hadn’t gone to waste, just like the contributions of the other foals, but I figure I can show her later. [Dash almost immediately began feeling sick as the smell alone was horrible. She saw a grisly pony tapestry of rotten, decaying flesh made of different foals in shape of a pony that's been infested with squirming maggots, looking very much to the dummies that Rarity would use. The tapestry also had some empty eye sockets while having a main and tail resembling to Rainbow Dash's, with the maggots infesting it squirming so much that the lifeless creation almost appeared to move, occasionally having several of them falling out of the mouth or eyes. Gilda smiles at her creation, then gives Rainbow Dash a concerned look, lifting her vomit-covered muzzle up to face it.] Gilda: What’s wrong? Don’t you like my little homage to my best friend? Rainbow Dash: You mean, you murdered all of those foals just to create some sick statue of me? (groans) [Gilda grabbed Rainbow Dash's jaw to have her look at her.] Gilda: Hey, it’s not sick. Granted, it’s not an exact replica, but overall, I think I did my best. |
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~ Gilda as she shows her tapestry, which was made out of the foals that she murdered. |
“ | Rainbow Dash: Why? [Gilda playfully scratches her feathers, than sat down next to Rainbow Dash, laying her head on her stomach, staring her in the eyes.] Gilda: Well, I guess I can tell you, you know, if you’ve got the time. Rainbow Dash: (briefly rolling eyes) I have oodles. Gilda: (gleeful as her eyes perked up) Ok then. Well, after that whole fiasco with Pinkie Pie, I was devastated and depressed. I took a long flight back to the griffin empire, hooked up with an old griff-friend, and about 5 months later, became a momma. Now, you might think that would make me happy, but really, I just felt empty. So, one night, as the egg-donor slept, I bashed his brains in with a rock, just smashed them right the buck in and threw body and all into our big ice chest. Now, obviously, I couldn’t just leave our little chicks without their parents, so before I decided to come back to find you. I took care of those little brats too. You have no idea how easy it is to kill a baby griffin, let alone two. I mean, their bones are like crispy hay fries. They even make the same crunching sound too. (smiles) |
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~ Gilda as she talks about the time where she murdered her own boyfriend and her chicks. |
“ | Gilda: Now, like I said, once I was far beyond the borders of the Griffin Empire, I stopped off in Manehatten, but not the nice, ritzy area, but rather the dark, shady part of town where a griffin like me could open up a flight school almost overnight and nopony would be the wiser. One by one, town after town, I managed to seduce the little foals with promises of making their dreams of flight come true, and while I didn’t kill every foal I taught, once I found the one I wanted, you guessed it, they became my parts store. Of course, it also helped that they were all orphans, so if I went a little overboard or needed a light snack, none of them would be missed. Eventually, I came here and found your little runt. She was so gullible. (chuckles) "Wow, you mean you can teach me to be just like Rainbow Dash? Rainbow Dash is my hero! NO, STOP! WHY ARE YOU HURTING ME? SOMEPONY HELP ME!" She was completely pathetic. |
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~ Gilda as she gleefully talks to her about when she murdered her own husband and children, while also cruelly does a mocking impression of Scootaloo being tortured. |
“ | Rainbow Dash: Ah, but now, we’ve had our fun, and it’s time for us to be together Dash. Oh yeah, well before you do that, there’s something I’ve got to tell you. Those straps are really weak. [Gilda has a look of shock, right before Rainbow Dash’s right and left hoof buried themselves into Gilda’s chest, knocking the wind out of her and sending her stumbling backwards. Dash will kick Gilda's back legs off the table and stands up, charging right at Gilda, who was now charging at her. When the two collided, Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to wrap her front legs around Gilda’s body and fly as fast as she could, smashing Gilda and Dash both through the basement roof, and again through the actual house roof with both of them slamming into the ground outside. Gilda sprung back onto her feet and attempts to lundge at Rainbow Dash, barely missing her throat and was met with a back hoof to her face, causing Gilda to clutch her beak in pain.] Gilda: Dammit Dash, why can’t you just die?! Rainbow Dash: You know me, just too stubborn. (panting for air) Gilda: Please Dash, don’t make this any harder on yourself. You know, death is so much easier when you just accept it. Rainbow Dash: (scoffs) Maybe, but KICKING YOUR FLANK INTO NEXT WEEK IS SO MUCH MORE FUN! [Rainbow Dash lunges at Gilda with full speed, pummeling Gilda in the face and chest. Slowly, the two began to wear each other down, Gilda clawing and biting at every spot she could find on Rainbow Dash, with the former trying her best to turn Gilda’s face into ground meat. With a final burst of speed, Gilda forces her talons around Rainbow Dash’s throat, attempting to strangle her as hard as she could, even with the former kicking at her. Gilda: Now, we can be together. |
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~ Gilda as she was fighting Rainbow Dash all before getting arrested by Princess Luna and the guards. |
Gilda is a minor antagonist of the My Little Pony DarkFiction Rainbow Savior, which was written by Juria. She has her debut in the near end of Chapter 4, and appears in Chapter 5.
She is a griffon who is an a serial killer who murders innocent foals and works with Cherry Blossom, paying her hundreds of bits to bring those foals to Cherry Blossom. She is also was a former academy friend-turned-rival to Rainbow Dash.
What Makes Her A Hate Sink?[]
- In Chapter 1, it was heavily implied that upon orders of Cherry Blossom, Gilda attempted to murder Scootaloo at the field [1], while also threatening Scootaloo that they would kill her if the she dared to tell Rainbow Dash about how she got her gashes, bruises, internal injuries, and many broken ribs. This makes Gilda mostly responsible of why Scootaloo was sent to Ponyville Hospital in the first place.
- Gilda has also mutilated and murdered multiple foals in a very brutal fashion, such as ripping their wings off, gouging out their eyes, and had the same gashes that Scootaloo had - several gashes on the flanks and several more huge ones on the side. It was also mentioned that the gashes were so deep that their organs can be seen past their ribs, with some images in the foal murder investigation were mentioned to have a few the foals with organs falling out of them.
- In her debut in Chapter 4, she knocked out Rainbow Dash to the floor before strapping her to a table as a plan to murder her. This would make Gilda a traitor as Rainbow Dash used to be her academy friend.
- She murdered countless foals to make a tapestry out of their flesh and hair as a way to make a statue of Rainbow Dash. This causes Rainbow Dash to become so disgusted that she threw up.
- When she was hooking up with a husband of hers, Gilda became a mother five months later, gaining two chicks. However, due to feeling empty, she decides to murder her husband by bashing his head in with a rock before murdering her children as well. She would even go to boast about how easy it was to kill a baby griffin and how their bones are fragile and make a crunching sound like "crispy hay fries" as she smiles, showing her lack of remorse for her own husband and her willingness to murder children, even her own kind.
- At the same conversation, she would also cruelly doing a mocking impression of Scootaloo being tortured as a way to spite Rainbow Dash.
- As Rainbow Dash and Gilda got into a fight with each other, she will ask on why Rainbow Dash wouldn't die. When the former says that it was because she is too stubborn, Gilda tells her not to make it any harder on herself, telling Rainbow Dash that death is so much easier if she just accepts it, showing that Gilda has no care on having to murder her former friend. Gilda would attempt to strangle Rainbow Dash, saying that they can now be together. Thankfully, Gilda would be knocked out by Applejack, who did so not just to save Applejack, but for scaring her sister Apple Bloom.
- When the main six came together to face Gilda as the latter regained consciousness, she curls into a fetal position, showing how much of a coward Gilda is.
- Gilda thankfully does get her comeuppance when Princess Celestia and Luna come to punish her for her horrible crimes and actions. Gilda would reveal that Cherry Blossom was the person who ordered her to kill multiple foals as a cowardly attempt to try to not have them rip her wings off, only for Princess Celestia to do so anyway to make her feel the same pain that she caused others before throwing her into a mental hospital and leave her there until Gilda could fight her way out of her own inner tormoil and truly repent for the crimes that she has done.
- Even though Gilda losing her wings was quite brutal, it is considered as well-deserved and a fitting punishment for her since she had brutally ripped off wings of multiple foals.
External Link[]
- Gilda on the Villains Fanon Wiki (needs to be added)
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Generation Four Equestria Girls Comics Fanon Others Starlight and The Cupcake Factory Fall of Starfleet, Rebirth of Friendship The Liar The Flash Sentry Chronicles Ask A Pony The Nuptialverse Crossovers Second Attack |
- ↑ In Chapter 4, it was implied that Gilda was the one who attacked Scootaloo. Not Cherry Blossom.