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Giovanni is a recurring antagonist in Dhar Mann's videos, being the owner of the restaurant. Giovanni's. He is consistently shown to be rude and judgmental towards people who are poor-looking without giving them a chance to explain themselves. He is portrayed by Michael Vaccaro.


Giovanni is known to be rude and judge people who are poor-looking. In the video Chef Kicks Out Homeless Customer, What Happens Next Will Shock You, he was rude to a homeless customer by putting him in a corner seat, but then the homeless man was revealed to be the inspector. Also, he lost his Kitchelin star. Also, in the video Boss KICKS OUT A JOB APPLICANT, He Lives To Regret It, it reveals he no longer lets the homeless come to his restaurant and he angrily throws out a homeless job applicant named Harold under the belief he is trying to scam his way into a job with a fake resume and sob story but Harold ends up working at a nearby hot dog stand, turning into a booming business which slows down business at Giovanni's. In the video Kids Find TREASURE In ARCADE, What Happens Is Shocking, the arcade game owner told him about a business promotion until Giovanni’s ruined it all. Before that, when the kids went to Giovanni’s, Giovanni wasn’t there. Instead, it probably was his brother to cover for him because Giovanni himself might’ve not been there.


  • It is unknown if he is returning due to his actor being fired.