Hate Sink Wiki
Percy Wetmore Horrified

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No, just leave him alone. He looks creepy.
~ The girls neglecting a dying Shigechi.

The hallways girls are minor characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable. They are three popular students at Buda-ga Oka High School who ignore a dying Shigechi.

What Makes them Hate Sinks?[]

  • One of them throws a basketball at the already injured middle school student, Shigechi, and gives a very disingenuous apology, which sounds more like an apology for dropping the ball rather than actual remorse for hurting him.
  • While noticing Shigechi's wounds and desperation of hanging on to life, one of the girls says he doesn't look good, which sounds like an observation about his well-being opposed to actual concern for him.
  • When Shigechi uses his last strength to start standing up, their reaction is rudely saying that there is something wrong with him.
  • When one of the girls asks if they should help the dying Shigechi, another one says no because he looks weird and all three of them, including the one who showed brief concern for him, coldly walk away from him with no empathy.
  • Despite the fact that Kira had placed a bomb on Josuke's classroom door, if they had helped him find a teacher, it is possible one of the most brutal and tragic deaths in the series could have been avoided.
  • There is nothing interesting or funny about them compared to almost many characters in the show, even compared to the other Hate Sinks who mostly have at least slightly goofy and hammy performances.
  • They receive absolutely no consequences for their actions (or lack of), making them Karma Houdinis.


  • They are the only Hate Sinks from the series with less than a minute of screentime. Despite that, they are still extremely hated characters to the point of some wanting them to die at Kira's hand.


           JoJo Logo Hate Sinks

Phantom Blood
Dario Brando

Battle Tendency
New York Police Officers | Brass Knuckle Gangster

Stardust Crusaders
Gray Fly | Forever | Rubber Soul | J. Geil | Steely Dan | Alessi | Terence T. D'Arby | Vanilla Ice

Diamond is Unbreakable
Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri | Hallway Girls | Terunosuke Miyamoto | Cheap Trick | Rio's Neighbor

Vento Aureo/Golden Wind
Giorno's Mother | Giorno's Step-Dad | Narancia's Former Friend | Fugo's University Professor | Cioccolata | Secco

Stone Ocean
Corrupt Lawyer | Sports Maxx | Sonny Likir | Viviano Westwood | Kenzou | Racist Detective

Steel Ball Run
Dario Brando | Diego Brando's Savior | Soldier | Abusive Husband | Diego Brando

Tamaki Damo | Jobin's Bully | Poor Tom

The JOJOLands
Hawaiian Police Officer | Dragona's Bully

Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan
Mutsu-kabe Hill Yokai | Yabubako-Hoshi

Cool Shock B.T.
Kuroyama and Akagawa | The Leader | Manabu

Jorge Joestar
Edvard Noriega | Antonio Torres | Maria Torres | Javier Cortes

Miscellaneous Spin-Offs & Novels
Old Man Stand User | Sogliola Lopez | Teruhiko Futaba | Koji Kiyohara | Fernando Alhorn

JoJoCraft: Jotaro Kujo | Jean Pierre Polnareff | Noriaki Kakyoin

HOLY DIVER (A Peaceful Afterlife)
