Handan İpek Kürkçü is the main antagonist of Turkish Drama TV Series Beni Affet (known as "Forgive Me" in english translation), in which she appeared in Seasons 1 and 2 until her death.
She was played by Elif Şanlı.
What makes her a Hate Sink?[]
- She overreacted when Kemal cheated on her with Bahar when he was never in love with Handan.
- Handan burnt Bahar Market into a crisp and nearly killed Sevgi with fire.
- She hired two gangsters to beat up Sevgi and Kader and forced Bahar to watch the incident on her phone.
- Handan terrorized Bahar and her family just to win Kemal back.
- She attempted to humiliate Bahar in front of neighborhood.
- Handan did not tag along when her mother and father go to Bodrum. As a result, her mother disowned her.
- She becomes even worse in Season 2.
- Her voice is very annoying to listen to, especially when she yells, begs or whines.
- When the truth about her got exposed on her wedding day with Umut, she denied it and pinned the blame on Berat, thus ending up being chased by the Angry mob.
- When Umut offered her to come by reaching his hand to her, she smacked his hand away and yelled at him, showing how ungrateful Handan is.
External Links[]
- Handan İpek Kürkçü on the Villains Wiki