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Hank Huckerdoo is a major antagonist in SuperMarioLogan, being the main antagonist of Season 15. He is Marvin's arch-rival and neighbor.

He is portrayed by Lance Thirtyacre, who also played Barbara Guy.

What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]

  • While he seems to be a friendly and a good parent, this is a facade to hide his very heartless and abusive personality. He hardly even tries to hide it when people show up to his door, as he speaks very rudely towards them, even calling Jonathan a retard, which nowadays is considered a nasty slur and highly offensive.
  • In his first episode, he was a huge jerk to his neighbor Marvin. He calls his lawn ass and laughs at it, then when he beats him in the "Lawn of the Year" competition, he mocks him by banging his wife on his trophy in front of him.
  • He's massively homophobic, as he's prejudiced against the LGBT community and follows the long outdated and debunked belief that homosexuality can be "cured". He also constantly tells his son to read Leviticus 18:22 of the bible, not accepting him for being gay. He's also very ignorant and fully believes he can make his son be straight, to the point that when he mistakenly thinks that Cody says that Timmy "tickled his package", Hank says that that's not possible, as they raised a straight boy, which is obviously a very stupid thing to say since Timmy is very obviously gay and there is nothing Hank or Suzanne can do to change that, and Timmy and Cody have in fact had sex.
  • He doesn't care about his family at all and hardly likes to spend time with them. He even outright admits to Suzanne that he hates all of them:
    • He is very cruel to his son, Timmy, calling him names, not feeding him actual food and yelling at him for "singing horribly", when he actually sings pretty good. At one point, he even threw a pan of cookies at Timmy and his sister, Susan (though admittedly, Susan actually is a legitimately poor singer). He also didn't show any concern about Timmy and Susan when his house almost burned down and was only worried about his trophies.
    • He is a horrible husband to his wife Suzanne, as it's mentioned he's cheated on her multiple times with numerous women to the point where she even does it with Marvin (something Hank allows to happen), yells at her to "take her tan ass to the room" when he throws cookies at his kids, calls her a bitch when she brings him a drink for not having ice in it, and when she does bring him ice, he says he doesn't want the drink anymore and insults her cooking, and yells at her for rearranging his lawn trophies wrong, threatening to punch her.
    • He and Suzanne don't let their children watch TV or movies or have anything fun, forcing them to eat Romain lettuce for snacks and giving them bibles for presents and birthday salads instead of birthday cakes on their birthdays without even letting them blow out the candles, while not allowing them to go trick or treating on Halloween. They also punish them for things like losing and force them to bathe together to save water and go to bed at 8:00 sharp. Also, if they don't do their homework, they don't let them have any dinner, sending them to bed hungry. They don't even let Timmy have any sheets for his bed. Because of all this, Timmy is suicidally unhappy with his home life.
  • He has an intentionally annoying laugh.
  • His list of "HuckerDoo's and HuckerDont's" says that nobody in the family is allowed to swear, yet he swears all the time, making him a hypocrite. At least his wife calls him out on this twice and forces him to wash his mouth out, and the second time she called him out, he said "fuck that", showing he knows he's a hypocrite and doesn't care. His list also says that you are not allowed to lose at something, yet you are also not allowed to be a sore loser.
  • He mows his lawn at 2 AM in "Don't Wake Jeffy!", not caring if his neighbors would be bothered by the noise at such a time. When Mario/Marvin comes over and tells him Jeffy's sleeping, Hank refuses to stop mowing his lawn, not caring if it interferes with Jeffy's sleep, which leads to Mario/Marvin knocking him out with a baseball bat. This shows that Hank cares more about his lawn than the sleep of his neighbors.
  • In "Babysitting The Huckerdoos!", he refuses to let his kids go to Outback Steakhouse just because they got B's on their report cards and he forces Mario/Marvin to babysit them without payment or a choice in the matter, dumping them off on him. He also cheated on his wife in front of her face with a waitress, and by doing this, he basically committed adultery in public and it's surprising that he didn't get arrested.
  • In "The Firework Problem!", after Judge Pooby chooses to let Junior and his friends off with a warning for lighting fireworks after the 4th of July, Hank throws a hissy fit, demanding that they get punished, and only chooses to let them go when Judge Pooby threatens to suspend his license for a year over an unpaid parking ticket.
    • In the same episode, he has an intentionally very annoying, overly long, and unfunny bit at the end where he tells his son to say "See you later alligator, afterwhile crocodile" and then lists a whole bunch of made up animal phrases that he pulled out of nowhere. It was obviously meant to be stupid and unfunny to the viewer to make them hate Hank even more.
  • In "Brooklyn Guy the Waiter" he reveals that he never tips and just leaves life advice. He also threatens to beat Timmy at one point and refuses to let Susie order a PB&J sandwich since he refuses to let his kids eat sugar.
  • In "Cody's Boy Band!", he forces Timmy to leave his boy band without receiving any of the $500,000 the band rightfully earned and sends him home to read the bible, threatening to send him to a conversion camp.
    • What's also worth noting is that he showed up to Marvin's house uninvited, which is trespassing, and when Cody and Junior tried to tell him they weren't trying to turn him into a homosexual, Hank rudely and very disrespectfully told them to shut up and stay away from Timmy, something no parent has any right to do with their kids' friends.
  • The episode "The Neighborhood Watch" reveals that he beats any raccoons he finds in his yard with a baseball bat, which is animal abuse. In the same episode, he baselessly accuses Johnathan of being the person breaking into cars and stealing things in the neighborhood and tries to have him arrested without any evidence (though it's hard to feel sorry for Johnathan given how perverted he is). He also shows how greedy he is when he tries to offer to do favors for Brooklyn Guy to avoid paying for the damages to his police car Timmy caused.
  • In "Junior's Stolen Birthday Gift!", he and Suzanne refuse to return Junior's birthday gift from Cody that was mistakenly shipped to his house and hypocritically accused him of being disrespectful and shouting and then closes the door on his face. Before that, he was prepared to return the gift to sender instead of finding out where it was meant to go, which is also a federal offense. In the same episode, he only allows Timmy to play with the gift for 5 minutes before confiscating it for himself, afterwards he hits his wife with it, which shows him to be incredibly childish. It's also revealed that Hank is a loser who still wets the bed.
  • In “Joseph Gets Adopted!”, he only adopts Joseph upon realizing he’s black just so that he can join the NFL and then take 97% of his contract and putting the other 3% in trust so that he pretend he got blindsided by the whole thing. And later on when Joseph fails to impress at his football tryout, he throws a tantrum and even asks why they adopted him, and when Joseph loses a one on one basketball game against Harlem Globetrotter Player Moose, he rips up the adoption contract and leaves him alone to cry, not showing any remorse for crushing Joseph’s hopes of finally getting a family.
  • In "The Turkey Problem!", he threatens Timmy by saying that he won't have a Christmas this year if he burns the turkey. He also knowingly eats the turkey that was stolen from Bowser and Chef Pee Pee, making him guilty of theft.
  • In "Five Nights At Freddy's 4", he is about to whip Timmy, Cody, Jeffy, and Junior with a belt, despite the latter three not even being his children, when he is attacked and killed by Bonnie and Freddy. While this was only Jeffy's nightmare, nothing indicates he wouldn't do this in real life.
  • In "The Grinch", he sends the Grinch to steal Marvin's Christmas tree with the hopes of ruining Christmas for him due to being jealous of him having better Christmas lights on his house.
  • In "Jeffy's Forget Ray!", he only gives Timmy a few peas and some Ketchup packets for dinner, while he himself has a large meal including a burger and a cake, and when Timmy asks if he can have a bite of his burger, he tells him to shut the fuck up, eat his meal and go upstairs. Later in that same video, he says that Jeffy hitting his (Hank's) mailbox with his (Jeffy's) car was much worse than a cop shooting an unarmed black man, showing how selfish he is, that he values his mailbox more than others' lives, and that he is possibly racist.
  • In "Satan Claus", he refuses to let Timmy have a gift from Craig (dressed up as Santa) because he says that Timmy has been a bad boy due to being gay. He tells Timmy that the devil appeared because of Timmy's homosexuality, and he beats Craig with a bat when he tries to give Timmy a gift.
  • He was created to be a rival for Marvin, so he is one of the few characters in the series made to be hated. He manages to be worse than his wife, who is also quite cruel to their children, but at least actually cares about them. Judge Pooby even points out that he acts like a square and a little bitch and he isn't wrong there one bit.
  • He almost never receives any punishment for his horrible actions, and when he actually does get karma, like when Marvin knocked him out for being loud, Jeffy ate half of his Uber Eats meal and refused to give him a refund (an act even his son, Timmy, admits to be well-earned during the latter's reaction time), when Jeffy hit his mailbox, and when Marvin and Jeffy T.P.'d his house and sent 12 pizzas to his house, losing $300 in the process, it's played for satisfaction.

External Wiki[]


            Hate Sinks

Nancy | Does Bad Things Guy | Banzai Bill | Barbara Guy | Mrs. Hisfriendfromschool | Mr. Winkle | Billy Bowling Hands | Hank Huckerdoo | Byron Easter Egg Britches | Papa Bear | Mikey Tyson | Mrs. Goodman | CJ Winkle | Charleyyy's Father
