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Hawthorne, is one of the antagonists of the 2007 Nippon Ichi game, Soul Nomad and the World Eaters. A wealthy merchant out of Corsius, Hawthorne uses his power and influence to cover up his "dirty secrets".
Why Do We Hate Him?[]
- While he initially presents himself as a kind merchant to his daughter Tricia, Hawthorne is actually a rapist who purchases girls from Yesterwind (a child trafficking organization), rapes them, and then murders them on their 17th birthdays.
- Before killing him in the normal path, Shauna reveals to both Tricia and Revya that Hawthorne is a regular down at Yesterwind and that he "stole the innocence" of no less than 5 daughters.
- When confronting Lobo at the top of the Yesterwind headquarters, he reveals to Trish that all of the girls that Hawthorne purchased didn't survive past the age of 17 in that home and that she should thank Shauna for killing him.
- While Hawthorne is (thankfully) unsuccessful in raping Trish during the normal path, this isn't the case during the demon path, Soul Nomad's new game+. During Revya's assault on Corsius, Tricia (whose mind is deteriorating) reveals to Shauna that Hawthorne raped her. Lobo, again, reveals to Shauna that Hawthorne is one of his regulars and that none of the girls in his house survive past their 17th birthdays.
- After the town of Corsius has fallen, Hawthorne insults his forces calling them a useless joke of an army.
- Hawthorne's crimes are so disgusting that even Revya, who murdered their entire village including a family with a newborn baby, kidnapped the angels of the Pulkina ruins, would later spare one of the angels only to murder her friend right in front of her, and would destroy the earth after betraying Gig, and Gig, the master of death who openly talks about committing genocide, want nothing to do with Hawthorne after he asks to join them. And even then, they only allow Shauna to kill him because he was groveling and wasting their time, not because he's a rapist.
- While Hawthorne's rape and murder of his daughters are thankfully offscreen, they still have an onscreen impact. Especially in the demon path where Trish commits suicide as a result of Hawthorne's abuse.