Hate Sink Wiki
Percy Wetmore Horrified

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Headmaster is the main antagonist of the X-Men movies, Deadpool 2.

He is the headmaster at an orphanage that specializes in help Mutant children. He is in truth abusive towards the orphans for being Mutants.

He was portrayed by Eddie Marsan.

What Makes Him Hate Sink?[]

  • While it seems he is running an orphanage to help the Mutant children, he was in truth an abuser towards them as he tortured them physically, mentally, and possibly sexually with Russell Collins as one of the victims.
    • It was mentioned that Domino used to be in the orphanage when she was young and had bad memories of the place.
    • That action of torturing Russell would lead to wanting to kill him and lead to the chain of event that lead him to becoming murderers in the future with Cable's family being one of the victims.
    • This action will cause Russell to mayhem around the orphanage.
    • Also, when Deadpool saw that Russell was abused. This cause him to shoot one of the staff out of sheer disgust for treatments towards Mutant children.
  • When he sees Deadpool and Firefist being sent to the "Icebox", a maximum security prison for Mutants, the Headmaster watched in glee.
  • When Firefist returned to the orphanage with Juggernaut, the Headmaster tried to cowardly welcome him back to believing he can still abuse and control him only for Firefist to see through his act and tried to killed him causing the Headmaster to reveal his true nature.
  • Although Deadpool and the others saved his life with Russell abandoning his desire to being a villain, the Headmaster proved to be ungrateful and remarked to them in racist words towards Mutants.
    • This action causes Cable to want to kill him out of disgust, but Deadpool stopped him and believed that karma will happen to him. This lead to being unceremoniously killed by Dopinder, who rammed him with his taxi car, which is played with satisfaction and humor at his undignified death.



Marvel Logo.svg Hate Sinks

High Evolutionary | Theel | William Rawlins | Arthur Walsh | Brooke | Daniel Whitehall | Donald Menken | Dr. Kafka | Diamondback | D'Spayre | Ellen Nadeer | Fight Promoter | General Dreykov | Gideon Malick | Glenn Talbot | Hammerhead | Harold Meachum | Ward Meachum | Justin Hammer | Laufey | O' Connor | Rapu | Raza | Supreme Intelligence | Venom | Red Hulk | Aida | Brad Davis | Ajax | Headmaster | Dr. Zander Rice | Vuk | Carlton Drake | Deacon Frost | Glenn Talbot | HulkKing | Kasius | Sadie Deever | Sonny Burch | Yellowjacket | Zeus | Mr. Paradox

Alistair Smythe | Anna Watson | Herbert Landon | Graydon Creed | Henry Gyrich | Ultimate Goblin | Ultron | Fabian Cortez | Principal Kelly | Duncan Matthews | Princess Zanda | Keemia Marko

Dr. Stillwell | Scorpion | Hammerhead | Simon Krieger | Glenn Talbot

Doctor Octopus: Amazing Spider-Man | Marvel Noir
Others: Jones | Judge DuPrey | Mickey Fane, Polly Hu and Eleventhree | Mister Brownstone | Burglar | Nicky Cavella | Nightshade (Ghost Rider) | George Reagan | Norman Osborn (Marvel, What If? Secret Invasion) | Ultron-1320 | Reed Richards (Marvel Zombies) | The Slavers | The Thousand | Henry Peter Gyrich | Fabian Cortez | Inspector Krahn | Venom (Raimiverse) | William Rawlins | Apex (Avengers Arena) | Agent Roger Dooley | Dum Dum Dugan | Red Skull (Secret Empire) | Colonel De Sade | Vincent Rosa | Heavy (The Punisher) | Magneto (Ultimate X-Men) | Ultimate Deadpool | Abomination (2008 Novelization) | Red Skull (Marvel, Secret Empire) | Mephisto (Marvel) | Childs | Carlton Drake | Contagion | Cristu Bulat | Eleventhree | Glenn Talbot (Marvel) | Jigsaw (MAX)

Old Man Logan:
Mysterio | Red Skull | Hulk

Marvel Fanfilm Universe:
Electro | Druig | Krakkan |Taserface | Prowler
Ultimate Marvel Movies:
Cashier | Superior Spider | Norman Osborn
Others: Green Goblin |Galactus | Agent Levine

See Also
DC Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | Disney Hate Sinks
