“ | You know, Nolan... Homelander is more than just a superhero. It might be cynical to say this, but he's a... a brand. And it's very important to me that that brand... means something. And if I'm playing second fiddle to some goddamn alien, tch, what's really the point? Right? What do you think... Debbie? Aww, she's shy. So, do we have an understanding? Get the fuck out of my country. | „ |
~ Homelander's monologue to Omni-Man at the beginning of the episode. |
~ Homelander's villainous temper tantrum and last words before his death. |
John, better known as Homelander, is the titular main antagonist of the DEATH BATTLE! Season 9 episode "Omni-Man VS Homelander". He has also appeared in the bonus episode "The Seven Battle Royale".
The leader of the "superhero" group the Seven and the most powerful Supe on the planet, Homelander is secretly an egotistical psychotic manchild, supervillain and the Satan expy of earth who wants to get Omni-Man out of America so he can remain the country's number one "hero" and center of attention.
He was voiced by Yong Yea.
Why is it his job to be Intentionally Despisable?[]
- While he does retain his redeeming qualities - sympathetic backstory of being raised in a lab and care for his son - they are completely off-screen with Wiz and Boomstick not giving him sympathy despite this, rightfully calling him out for a narcissistic monster both before and after the fight, and that his treatment of Ryan is abusive. After his death, Wiz rightfully points out he's nothing but a bully who's used to being the most powerful one around and picking on weak humans.
- Despite DEATH BATTLE! revolving around impressive and enjoyable battles that make even the most despicable villains cool, Homelander is a big exception: He is presented as loathsome, despicable and weak throughout the fight, being the victim of one of the most one-sided battles in the show's history while going out in a pathetic way because, for once in his life, he had an actual challenge.
- This is especially notable because he's far from the worst person to appear in the show.
- Despite Omni-Man committing far worse crimes (such as wiping out or enslaving life on entire planets), he is still presented as the lighter shade of black that the fans are supposed to root for due to having redeeming and honorable qualities such as genuinely loving his family, forming genuine friendships and showing remorse, while Homelander completely lacks them, his only redeeming qualities being from the analysis rather than the fight itself, allowing Homelander to be presented as the viler villain.
- It also doesn’t help that Omni-Man is a strong and skilled war veteran who has over a millennium of fighting experience and has fought beings equal him in terms of power, strength, and durability, while Homelander is a bully who never had to face anyone near his level of power (as the episode was made before Season 3, where Soldier Boy was introduced and Butcher gained temporary superpowers).
- Retains most of his deeds from both the TV show and the comics, which include blowing up a plane, letting another plane crash into the sea with hundreds of innocents inside (while rupturing the ears of the passengers), blowing up a girl he had sex with by ejaculating inside her with super-strength, raping and impregnating Rebecca Butcher, abusing his son Ryan and numerous other deeds that weren't mentioned by the hosts but seen in the pre-fight analysis.
- In the battle itself, he brutally murders Omni-Man's wife Debbie and turns her into a charred skeleton, kills dozens of civilians by blowing up a plane and causing an explosion in the middle of the city, and tries to burn Omni-Man's eyes while threatening to kill every person he knows, including his son.
- In "The Seven Battle Royale", he cuts off Wiz's arm for insulting him, lets the Seven kill each other before finishing off Billy Butcher himself (despite being the referee that was supposed to stop them from going too far), and casually threw an infant into the trash so he could fight Stormfront.
- While his death is one of the show's most brutal, having his jaw crushed and being forced to eat his own heart (crushing his head in the process), it's absolutely deserved and not played for sympathy at all.
- Given how DEATH BATTLE! portrayed similarly vile villains in a better fashion, it's likely Homelander is only a Hate Sink because the fight was so incredibly one-sided there was no way to make him cool, and thus the narrative was changed into making him someone who has nothing even remotely entertaining about him. Because of this, it's likely Homelander wouldn't be a Hate Sink if he was given a fairer opponent.
- To hammer in how one-sided the battle was, the official Twitter account for The Boys retweeted the episode, showing support for Omni-Man's victory, showcasing how even they wanted to see Homelander lose the fight.
External Links[]
- Homelander on the Death Battle Wiki
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