ISISball is the main antagonist of the Countryballs comic "The Measure of a Man" by the Reddit user beretguy. He is an Islamist terrorist organization who wages war for the sake of creating a worldwide caliphate, and was responsible for the November 2015 terrorist acts in Paris depicted in the comic.
What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]
- He committed mass murder of Bataclan theatre visitors, presumably in retaliation for French airstrikes on his positions in Syria which his victims (aside from France himself) had nothing to do with.
- He cries out "Allahu akbar!" before opening fire, but this doesn't signify any true devotion to his faith, as he essentially commits crimes in God's name.
- Before killing France, he refers to him as "infidel scum", showing that he hates those of different faith than him.
- While it's common for Countryballs comics to portray even the most tragic real life events through dark humour, this depiction of ISIS has absolutely no comedic moments or complexity to his character, existing only to instigate the conflict and cause repulsion from readers.
- ISISball is currently the only Countryballs villain considered a Hate Sink.
External Link[]
- ISISball on the Villains Fanon Wiki.