Hate Sink Wiki

Isabella is a supporting antagonist in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth and the Diary of a Wimpy Online Book. She is a maid hired by Susan Heffley. However, she took advantage of her job and did absolutely zero work.

What Makes Her a Hate Sink[]

  • She doesn't do her job at all, preferring to sit around and eat snacks.
  • She has no manners or human decency, as she uses the Heffleys TV without permission and complained about not having barbeque chips.
  • She made absolute fools of the Heffleys, having them clean their own house and getting Susan to buy food exclusively for her.
  • Every time Greg, whom Isabella thought was Susan, asked her to do his laundry, she just came up with thin excuses.
  • She repeatedly slept in Greg's bed, which is a massive invasion of privacy.
    • It got to the point where Greg had to actually lock his door to stop Isabella.
  • At one point, she threw a party for all of the maids in the neighborhood. Not only did this prevent her from doing her job, but kept the other maids from theirs as well while also inconveniencing people who live in the neighborhood by clogging up the street.
  • Her defeat is played for satisfaction, as she's fired by Susan and Greg is once again able to sleep in his own bed in peace.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Abigail Brown | Heather Hills | Isabella | Patty Farrell | Pete Hosey | Stan Warren

Diary of a Nice Guy: Patty Farrell | Bryce Anderson
Evil Never Dies: Bryce Anderson
Dysfunctional Perspective: Frank Heffley
Greg Becomes An Orphan: Manny Heffley
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: 25 Years Later: Manny Heffley
The Yogurt Extended Universe: Joshie/Joop Vanderkoerp
Others: Taylor Red
