Hate Sink Wiki
This character is so dastardly, hated and popular that this character was voted most hated character of: June 2023.

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ā€œ Well, Iā€™d love to stay but I must be going. As a modern American man, I am woefully unprepared to manage a womanā€™s emotions. I was never taught, and I will not learn. Take care you two! ā€ž
~ Joseph after Honey's breakdown.
ā€œ Come on now, be strong. You can't let your womanly emotions consume you. You don't wanna end up like your mother now, do you? I promise. One day this will all be a pleasant memory. ā€ž
~ Joseph's most infamous qoute.

Joseph Sugarman is the posthumous overarching antagonist of BoJack Horseman.

He is the maternal grandfather of BoJack, the abusive husband of Honey, and the father of Beatrice and Crackerjack. His dreadful acts were the driving force of all the misfortune in the Horseman family.

He was voiced by Matthew Broderick.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • Even by 1940s standards, Joseph was notoriously misogynistic, believing women can't do anything that wasn't domestic tasks such as baby-making or home-keeping.
  • Is implied to have repeatedly cheated on Honey.
  • He frequently berated both Beatrice and Honey for given in to what he called their "womanly emotions." He shrugs off their conflicts and denies them any help for them, even coldly dismissing his wife's grief over the death of their son and leaving her alone to handle her emotions.
  • Subtly expressed his contempt for his wife for looking for Blinky, a keepsake owned by their late son Crackerjack who perished in World War II, only moments before blaming his death on Jews for "peeving Hitler so bad".
  • After Honey has a meltdown at a party (due to remembering her son, Crackerjack.) Joseph has her lobotomized. Though lobotomy was a relatively common surgery in the 40s, and Honey had begged on her knees for him to ā€œfixā€ her, the lobotomy was mainly for pragmatic reasons, as he couldn't run his company with her depression.
  • After the lobotomy, he uses it as a "lesson" to Beatrice on what would happen if she let her emotions consume her.
  • When Beatrice had scarlet fever, he ignored it, and blamed Honey (who is now catatonic) for not noticing the illness in spite of his own mistakes. He also sadistically incinerated all of Beatrice's belongings with no remorse just to contain the spread.
  • Pressured Beatrice to be skinny, making insults about her weight. He even cheerfully tells her that her throat being almost swollen shut from her scarlet fever can help her lose weight immediately after she was teased about it by her school bully. This also makes him a hypocrite as he gains weight when he gets older.
  • Tried to force Beatrice to marry Corbin Creamerman because of his father's ice cream company.
  • His parenting and decision to lobotomize his wife helped turn her daughter beatrice into a callous, cold, and unfeeling woman that she would grow up to be.
  • There are moments that can be laughed at involving him such as his exaggeratedly misogynistic remarks, but it involves the intentional values dissonance in the narrative rather than any funny moments regarding his character.
  • Ultimately he's the reason for BoJack's abuse, and essentially the entire events of the series.

External links[]


            Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Bellroc | Zong-Shi | Lane and Irmgard Klaxon | King and Queen of The Crown | PodestĆ 

Live-Action Features
Anders Behring Breivik | Shere Khan | Amir Asif | Thanh SĆ³i | Judge Julius Hoffman | Arquette | Catherine Ortiz | Anders Behring Breivik | Amir Asif | Henderson (You) | Janie Orlean | Jason Orlean | Peter Isherwell

Animated Television
Krogan | Queen Usurna | Forever | Butterscotch Horseman | Joseph Sugarman | The Bishop | Scarred Man | Comte de Vaublanc | Bernice Krupp | Dicko | Alpha Mom and Dad | Dr. Emilia | Dr. Emilia's Father | Finn | Finnegrin | Sol Regem | Stern One | Periander | Acrisius | David's Marra | Kelly | Camp Lifeguard | Dirk | Pastry Pete | Bellroc

Live-Action Television
Dr. Georgina Orwell | Chad Garland | Randy Lesser | Captain Frederick Gideon | Captain Frederick Gideon (Demon) | Arturo Roman | Cesar Gandia | Choi Yoon-Jae | Jang Deok-su | Player 278 | Factory Owner | The VIPs | Nam-gyu | Seon-nyeo | Im Jeong-dae | Yoon Gwi-nam | Son Myeong-hwan | Joseph Crackstone | Esther Sinclair | Seth Massey | Mr. de la Cruz | Marcus Cole | Taylor and Kenneth | Rick Wlodimierz | Dean Holbrook | Monty de la Cruz (original script) | Carmelita Spatz | Tristan (I Woke Up a Vampire)

See Also
13 Reasons Why Hate Sinks | 20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Amblin Entertainment Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Paramount Hate Sinks | PathƩ Hate Sinks | Stranger Things Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks
