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ā€œ This isn't about commerce, it's about a way of life. One that my ancestors helped build. We've kept the Badlands running smoothly for over a century by providing a labor force. And yet you have chose to wage a war against that reality. Your vision of a Cog free world is not only dangerous, but a threat to my very existence. ā€ž
~ Chau's telling talking to the Widow about her megalomaniacal worldview.

Juliet Chau, better known as Baron Chau, is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside The Master) of the AMC series Into the Badlands.

She is the ruler of the Fox Territory, the section of the Badlands which controls the Cog slave trade. She inherited the position of Baron from her father, and was taught by him to be a ruthless and sadistic ruler, who sees her family as above everyone else in the Badlands, especially Cogs.

She was portrayed by Eleanor Matsuura. As a child, she was portrayed by Anika Nazareno.

What Makes Her Hated?[]

  • She was shown to be extremely cruel even as a child, happily beating Minerva with a cane after she accidentally drops a tray of glasses.
  • She is a Baron of the Badlands, meaning she has killed and abused countless people in her territory, and is guilty of rape by proxy due to her owning human sex slaves known as Doll prostitutes.
  • The Fox Territory is built on cruelty, with her being the most ruthless and abusive Baron of them all, even branding her Clippers with the symbol of the Fox Territory.
  • Her territory control and profits off of the Cog slave trade, making her the primary enemy of the Widow, who wants to put an end to human slavery in the Badlands.
  • After her brother helped Cogs escape the Fox Territory, she nearly had him executed and only stopped due to her mother's wishes, but proceeded to keep him locked in a cage for eighteen months.
  • During the Conclave meeting between all of the Barons to discuss whether the Widow or Ryder had ownership over the oil fields, Chau told the Widow that she would support her should the Widow stop housing runaway Cogs in her territory. Despite the Widow promising all of the Barons she would do this, Chau still voted against her, likely out of spite.
  • When Quinn crashes the Conclave and attacks all of the Barons, rather than recognize that he is the greater threat Chau proceeds to attack the Widow.
  • She pays off smugglers in the Outlands in order to have them lure scavengers to one of Chau's entry points and imprison them as Cogs.
  • She tries to blackmail Sunny into killing the Widow for her in exchange for helping him find his family.
  • Once the Widow launched a war against the other Barons to end the Cog slave trade, Chau kills Baron Rojas and takes over his territory.
  • After all of the other Barons are killed except the Widow, Chau declares war on her and the Butterfly Territory in order to take over the entire Badlands and ensure the Cog slave trade remains established.
  • When Pilgrim attacks one of her Clipper outposts, she blackmails her brother Gaius in order to have him and a group of Clippers loyal to him kill Pilgrim. When he initially refuses, she has one of his loyal Clippers executed in order to force him to comply.
  • Pilgrim survives the attempt on his life and demands that Chau supply him with one-thousand workers as compensation for trying to have him killed. She proceeds to have her Regent Otto abduct war refugees to meet Pilgrim's quota rather than sending her own workers.
  • She sends young adults to die on the front lines in the war with the Widow, as seen with the Sniper single-handedly killing dozens of Clippers in Sniper Ally only to be killed himself by Arthur.
  • When the Widow and Gaius storm her mansion with the intention to kill her personally, Chau lures the Widow into a trap where she is surrounded by Clippers with crossbows pointed directly at her. Chau takes this time to mock the Widow over her romantic relationship with Gaius, claiming that she was just another one of his flings.
  • After the Widow is saved by the Master, Chau flees and kills an innocent Cog woman in order to steal her clothes so she won't be recognized.
  • Due to the Master taking the Widow to the Abbot Monastery, Gaius and Tilda go looking for the Widow and incorrectly assume that Chau is the one who kidnapped her. They eventually track Chau to Iron Fan, an abandoned amusement park that serves as her secret base. They are ambushed by the remaining Clippers loyal to Chau, and take prisoner to be tortured.
  • Chau burns Gaius' chest with a blowtorch and brands the symbol of the Fox Territory into Tilda's shoulder in order to break Tilda's spirit and make her loyal to Chau.
  • Chau deduces that Gaius and Tilda learned she was hiding at Iron Fan from her mother Ophelia, and then realizes her mother is likely dead. She incorrectly assumes that Gaius did it and plans to decapitate him, only to be stopped by Tilda who confesses that she was actually the one who killed Ophelia and not Gaius. Chau is enraged that a former Cog killed her mother and prepares to murder Tilda, only stopped by the Widow and Nix's arrival.
  • During her final battle with the Widow, Chau still continues to mock the Widow for her past as a Cog, saying that she will die as a "broken little bitch" while they are sword fighting.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Armadillo Territory
Ajax | Corro

Butterfly Territory
The Widow's Husband

Fox Territory
Juliet Chau | Alexander & Ophelia Chau

The Black Lotus

The River King | The Engineer | Nos
