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Kaji is a major antagonist in the Heisei Ultraseven specials, serving as the main antagonist of the specials "The Final Chapters". He is the xenophobic chief of TDF Far East Branch who wants to rid the world of aliens.

What Makes Him Despicable[]

  • Successfully proposed “Project:Friendship” to the TDF which involved committing genocide on alien races that  could potentially pose threats to them by destroying/bombarding their planets with nukes, first starting with the Valkyrie aliens planet (after one of their kind were defeated by Ultraseven) and later the Taurus Binary System, despite the fact that the residents of the latter had done nothing
  • Throughout “The Final Chapters”, he repeatedly showed disrespect to the Ultra Guard and would act hostile towards them any time thye expressed even the tiniest bit of sympathy towards any of the aliens
  • In the finale, it’s revealed by the female nonmalt that he secretly had the TDF build bases on all the planets they had bombed and was planning on essentially conquering the universe by doing to this to potential future planets that contained alien life.
  • In a attempt to cover up the secret that  the Nonmalts were the true inheritors of  Earth, he had his men silence any who tried to expose it, including the original Captain of Ultra Guard Kirayama, whom he had his men execute
  • Upon being informed that Kazamori was secretly an alien, he had his men capture him and interrogated
  • Upon coming to the realization that Kazamori was Ultraseven, he convinced the members of TDF into allowing him to have the former executed so that he wouldn’t pose a threat to them and reveal the secret to the omega files, despite the fact that he had protected humanity countless times.
  • Despite the higher up’s of TDF eventually agreeing to let Ultraseven reveal  the omega files (which revealed the truth behind who was Earth’s original inhabitants to the universe) and being ordered to stop his attack on him, he ignored it and  still tried to kill Ultraseven in his tracks, with him having his men shoot at him and one point trying to shoot and fight Seven himself.
  • As a result of orchestrating project:friendship, several aliens began attacking earth out of fear of their planet (and by extension their people) being destroyed. Among were a single  Valkyrie alien whom tried to frame Ultra guard in a bad light and temporarily killed Furuhashi. The other was a female Nonmalt who sent Zambagi to destroy humanity, resulting in Ultraseven having to intervene at the cost of being imprisoned for interfering with a civil war.
  • While he did loose his teammates and his fiancé in an alien attack, this doesn’t really justify him trying to commit genocide on alien races as not all of them were evil. Plus by the present, he tried to kill Ultraseven despite the fact that he had saved humanity countless times.
  • Overall, excluding the above, he has very little if any likeable traits and has zero Evil is cool moments, with him being portrayed as a nasty xenophobe who exhibits the worst aspects of humanity.


           Ultraman English Hate Sinks

Showa Series
Alien Mystellar (Evil Brother) | Alien Nackle | Alien Medusa | Dogyuh | Commander Black | Professor Nakagawa | Gamos

Heisei Series
Kaji | Enomena | Alien Valkyrie | Alien Nowar | Naval Officer Saijo | Commander Shigemura | Mitsuhiko Hirukawa | Alien Bat

New Generation Series
Exceller | Gargorgon | Imari | Celebro | Mai Yuki | Hudram | Yu Dobashi

Other Media
Ace Killer
