Hate Sink Wiki

You're coming back with me, whether you like it or not!
~ Kayla to her Meowstic after it refused to return to her.

Kayla is a minor yet pivotal antagonist of a pokemon fanfic, Pokemon Dominion and it's spin off series. Pokemon: The Critical Journeys, serving as the main antagonist of episode 29 "Lost Kitty".

She is a trainer who forces her own pokemon into becoming stronger in battles just so she can win. She is Meowstic's former trainer after it ran away and stayed with Victor.

What makes her a Hate Sink?[]

  • She constantly abuses her Meowstic into becoming stronger ever since it was an Espurr.
  • She forces her own pokemons Into coming stronger to win battles.
  • She never cares about her own pokemons and only uses them for battles.
  • When her Meowstic ran away, she attempts to find it for not a change of heart but because she needs it to win battles for herself.
  • Upon seeing it in the Pokemon Center when Victor helped it bruises, she pretends to be nice and sweet to it just to get it back.
  • After revealing her abusive nature when Meowstic wanted to be with Victor, she forcibly grabs it to attempts to strangle it.
  • She mocks Victor's way of befriending a Pokemon and thinks her way of befriending a Pokemon is right.
  • After being defeated, she attempts to crush Meowstic before being shocked by Pikachu and then arrested by Officer Jenny.


  • In a original script, She was in a group alongside Goh, Daniel and Chloe called The Heist Club and tried to sabotage Victor during his Journeys throughout the series but this was scrapped due to difficulties. If this was still added in the final script, It would make her slightly less worse, yet still a Hate Sink.

External Link[]


            PokemonLogo Hate Sinks

Damian | Dario | Gengar's Former Trainer | Koji | Shamus | Mantle | Rose | Dee Dunstan | Dr. Zed | Rico | Grings Kodai | Ghetsis (Pokémon Generations) | Iron-Masked Marauder | Princess Allie


Ghetsis (Pokémon Adventures)

Main Games
Charon | Melli | Ardos

Spin-Off Games

Scrapped Folklore: The Woman's Friends

Others: Bianca (Scrapped Wishes) | Volo's Father | The AI (Pokemon Maroon) | Hans (Pokémon Revenge of the Island) | Colonel Hansen (Pokémon Odyssey) | Faba (Ultra Eclipse) | Ares (Arc of Juliana) | Seymour (Gumbino) | Misty (Pokémon: Journey Until The Very End) | Unnamed Female Trainer (The Most Evil Pokemon Trainer) | Typhlosion (Mistranslated Folklore)

Pokémon Hearted Souls:
Silver | Harrison

Pokemon Dominion:
Goh | Obstagoon | Daniel | Kayla | Georgia | Faba | Julia | Sharkpedo

Pokémon Forever Wishes:
Shaw | Burgundy | Georgia | Trip

Pokemon Zero:
Shamus | Serena's Father

Pokémon: A Marvelous Journey:
Hester Amoretto | Caiseal's Biological Parents/Fergus and Nollaig Brownstone

Pokémon Shattered Dimensions:
Mindy | Paul | Tobias

Blue | Virgilax

Starter Squad:
Gaven | Weepinbell | Chimchar

Pokémon Retold: Black:
Amber/Hil's Mother | Ghetsis

Pokémon Reset Bloodlines:
Damian | Joshua | Dario | Gary/Ash's Father | Rookie Crusher

Pokémon Jotho Fables:

Silver (My Little Pokémon) | Sara Diktaylis (Infinity Train: Seeker of Crocus)
