Hate Sink Wiki

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Buddy, she's a cow. Stacey's a cow. We're talking major barnyard boo-hog. Roll her in flour and look for the wet spot before you hit that, man, you know what I'm saying? That kind of stink does not wash off.
~ Ken in his phone call.

Ken is a minor antagonist in the crime drama series Breaking Bad and its prequel series Better Call Saul. He is an unpleasant stockbroker.

He was portrayed by Kyle Bornheimer.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He is an obnoxious, arrogant, vain jerkass who acts superior and basically a nuisance to everyone around him:
    • He frequently brags loudly into his Bluetooth headset and annoys others nearby with his offensive language.
    • He steals Walter's parking space at the credit union.
    • Adding to his narcissism, his license plate also reads "Ken Wins".
    • In one of his conversations, he sexually objectifies women.
    • He honks and yells at an old lady crossing the road to move faster.
  • His misfortunes of getting scammed by Jimmy and Kim and his car set on fire by Walt are played for satisfaction.

External links[]


            / Hate Sinks

The Cartel
Don Eladio | Hector Salamanca

Los Pollos Hermanos
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle | Victor | Tyrus Kitt | Rival Dealers | Kai

Neo-Nazis/Jack Welker's Gang
Kenny | Neil Kandy | Casey

Chad | Emilio Koyama | Ken | Spooge | Spooge's Lady | Betsy Kettleman | Hoffman & Fensky | Rocco, Zane and Jed
