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King Edward I of England is the main antagonist of the 1995 Mel Gibson-directed film, Braveheart. He was nicknamed "Longshanks" for his height over 6 feet. He was the twenty-fourth king of England.

He was portrayed by the late Patrick McGoohan.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • Ordered the slaughter of all several Scots Nobles after the conquest of Scotland.
  • His Conquest of Scotland gets most of William Wallace's family death when he was just a boy.
  • While stating that "The trouble with Scotland is that it's full of Scots." And in order to fix the problem of having rebels he re-allows the Prima Nocta law in Scotland to appeal to English Nobles in order to produce Loyal Nobles to the English Crown. In other words, he is legalizing rape in order to get loyal followers.
  • Burned down several Scottish villages during his Conquest and During Wallace's Rebellion as a warning.
  • Never truly loved his own son, constantly abusing him for his mistakes and viewing him as a failed continuation of his legacy and an incompetent pathetic punching bag at worst.
  • Heavily implied to be homophobic, which at the time was very common point of view (The Movie is set in Medieval Ages and LGBT views were absolutely frowned and condemned upon.) But nowadays is seen as wrong.
  • Threw his son's lover Philip out of a window simply because he dared to speak to him as an advisor (It's been implied he killed him because of his possible homosexuality or the fact that he thought of him as a liability who didn't contribute to the War).
  • Sent his daughter-in-law as a political tool instead of his son, in order to treat with Wallace and buy him off to stop the rebellion, with high possibility of her being murdered. While this could be shown as a caring act of worry towards his son, it is a pragmatic act as he says "Who can I send? Not I, for if I were to fall under the sword of that murderer it might be my head in a basket. And not my... gentle son, for the bare sight of him would only encourage an enemy to take over the whole country."
  • Also, he does it with hopes of his Rival the King of France to join him in the War against Wallace.
  • Had archers fire arrows on the Scottish forces while his own men were still in the line of fire, justifying it by claiming that they are expendable, and they have reserves.
  • At the end of the movie, he has Wallace hanged, drawn and quartered, which is a brutal medieval execution method.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Aban-Khan | Jenner | Preed | Lola | Tim | Mr. Gunk | Vincent | Gladys Sharp | Sir Lancelot | Agnes Skinner | King Malbert | Makunga | Derek Dietl | Sid's family | Steffie, Katie, and Meghan | Mandrake | Guy GagnƩ | Ms. Grunion | Creek | Hans, Klaus, and Greta | Major Domo | Lord Piggot-Dunceby | Orson | Grover Fischoeder | Mr. Dowling | Tammy Larsen | Fanny | Hugo Habercore | Jimmy Pesto

Live-Action Features
Attila Mellanchini | Conan Antonio Motti | Liam "Snooks" Brenner | Bishop of Aquila | The Kurgan | Carter J. Burke | Anton Bartok | Colonel William Stuart | Jim | Joyce Monroe | Martin Burney | Henry Evans | Howard Payne | Juno Skinner | King Edward I of England | Elena Dubrow | Albert Nimziki | Abigail Williams | April Smuntz | Phil Fimple | Caledon Hockley | Mason Wren | Steamboat Willie | Sebulba | Aaron the Moor | Collignon | Tom Edison, Jr. | Liz Henson | Chuck | Jack McKay | Vera | June | Bill Henson | Tom Edison, Sr. | Mrs. Henson | Ben | Gloria | Martha | Olivia | Jason | Mr. Henson | Larry Quinn | Kelly | Rasputia Latimore | Stranz Van Waldenberg | Fairchild Van Waldenberg | Darren MacElroy | Assef | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Adolfo Pirelli | Jonas Fogg | Alex Goran | Ryan Edwards | Marko Hoxha | George Harvey | Vanessa | Parker Selfridge | Patty Farrell | Dylan Gould | Steven Jacobs | Dodge Landon | Richard Detmer | Stan Warren | Heather Hills | Fernando Wood | Harold Attinger | Charlie Hesketh | Ajax | Dr. Zander Rice | Poppy Adams | The President | Headmaster | Jatemme Manning | Vector | Craig Grummond | Hal, Mercedes and Charles | Frank

Animated Television
The Simpsons
Agnes Skinner | Kindergarten Teacher | Ms. Cantwell | Ms. Kelp | Jebediah Springfield | Cesar and Ugolin | Judge Constance Harm | Sideshow Bob (Ei8ht) | Seymour Skinner (real) | Stan (Car Salesman) | Judge Constance Harm | Stuart (All's Fair in Oven War) | Contestants (All's Fair in Oven War) | Sasha Reed

Family Guy
Connie DiMico | Jeffery Fecalman | Sheriff Nichols | The Warden | Peter Griffin (Actor)

King Of The Hill
Graydon Creed | Buckley | School Nurse | Dog Trainer | Junie Harper | Willie Lane | Jo Rita | Everett | Caleb | Tommy | Rollo

Bob's Burgers
Fanny (Bob's Burgers) | Deirdre | Denise | Gloria Genarro | Jimmy Pesto | Tammy Larsen | Cynthia Bush | Chuck Charles | Grover Fischoeder | Mr. Dowling | Al Genarro | Logan Bush | Hugo Habercore

Alcazar | Henry | Pang Bing | Krogan

Live-Action Television
Coach Mike Kankle | Warren Mears | Caleb | Billy Blim | Pete Anderson

Count Rugen

Kevin McCallister (Rated-R Home Alone)

See Also
Buena Vista International Hate Sinks | Disney Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Pannonia Film Studio Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hate Sinks

            Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Camp Bullies | Rex Pester | Coco Labouche | Iron-Masked Marauder | Alphonse Perrier du von Scheck | Nick Vermicelli | Sloan Blackburn | Bree Blackburn | Dag | Vincent | Gladys Sharp | Sir Lancelot | Makunga | Derek Dietl | Tortoise John (All Versions) | Sentinel Prime | Darkwing

Live-Action Features
Norma Bates | Frank | Aarfy | Noah Cross | Francesco Ciccio | Gordon Stuart | Attila Mellanchini | Bytes | Jim Renshaw | Major Arnold Ernst Toht | Satipo | Bytes | Chief Guard | Eh Tar | Mrs. Dribb | Frank Nitti | Ellis DeWald | King Edward I of England | Casanova | Kurt Bozwell | Caldeon Hockley | April Smuntz | Phil Fimple | Steamboat Willie | Joseph Campbell | The Snowplow Man | Larry Quinn | Henry Gates | Owen Davian | Denlinger | Rasputia Latimore | Stranz Van Waldenberg | Fairchild Van Waldenberg | Darren MacElroy | Assef | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Adolfo Pirelli | Jonas Fogg | Alex Goran | Taylor | Paul Smith | Zartan | George Harvey | Vanessa | Kenny | Alexander Marcus | Harold Attinger | King Cotys | Reece Tenneson | Burke | Alejandro Gutierrez | Craig Grummond | Judge Julius Hoffman | Zac Tieran | Richie Kirsch | Amber Freeman | Vince Schneider | Jason Carvey | Frankie | JĆ¼rgen Voller | Klaber | Attila Mellanchini

Animated Television
Todd Ianuzzi | Pang Bing

Live-Action Television
David Brown | Dr. Georgina Orwell | Aarfy | Carl Buford | Clark Preston | Jerry Tidwell | J.B. Allen | Pete Whipple

See Also
13 Reasons Why Hate Sinks | 20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Amblin Entertainment Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Nickelodeon Hate Sinks | Pannonia Film Studio Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks

            Hate Sinks

Animated Features

Live-Action Features
Conan Antonio Motti | The Octopus | King Edward I of England | Elena Dubrow | Albert Nimziki | Abigail Williams | Cal Hockley | Ruth DeWitt Bukater | Robert Hichens | First Class Woman | Mason Wren | Sebulba | Collignon | Professor Callahan | Kelly

See Also
20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Miramax Hate Sinks | Paramount Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks
